[PLing] WSG-Vortrag Lafkioui (8. 3.), "Globalised French and multilingual minorities"

Laura Grestenberger laura.grestenberger at univie.ac.at
Tue Mar 8 10:10:42 CET 2022

Liebe PLING-Mitglieder,

Ich möchte gerne nochmal an den heutigen WSG-Vortrag von Prof. Mena B. 
Lafkioui (CNRS-LIER-FYT, Paris / École des hautes études en sciences 
sociales, Paris) zu "Globalised French and multilingual minorities” 
erinnern (neuer Titel).

Das Abstract finden Sie weiter unten und in der angehängten Ankündigung. 
Der Vortrag beginnt um 18.30h im Zoom-Raum der Wiener 


Meeting-ID: 631 9071 9501

Kenncode: 246693

Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Laura Grestenberger


Abstract: My paper addresses from a user-based sociolinguistic 
perspective the different formal and structural connections between 
language use and representation, social inscription and spatial 
anchoring of the “old” French-speaking people of Ghent in Belgium 
(Gantois francophones, once the French-speaking bourgeoisie with Flemish 
roots), in contrast to the evidence provided by the relatively “new” 
French speakers of Ghent, whose multilingual repertoires result from 
their heterogenic sociohistorical situations and migration trajectories. 
It is in the context of super-diversity, which characterises the city of 
Ghent, that the paper demonstrates how French – imagined or practiced – 
contributes to the construction and consolidation of collective 
“minority” identities of these francophone groups through language 
practices marked by what I call conventionalized heteroglossia (Lafkioui 
2019, 2021). In doing so, the study demonstrates how French contributes 
to the phenomenon of “vernacular globalisation” (Appadurai 1996: 10; 
Blommaert 2010: 75).

Appadurai, Arjun. 1996. Modernity At Large: Cultural Dimensions of 
Globalization. Minne-apolis: University of Minnesota Press
Blommaert, Jan. 2010. The Sociolinguistics of Globalization. Cambridge: 
Cambridge Uni-versity Press.
Lafkioui Mena B. 2019. Le français face à la « super-diversité » dans la 
ville métropole de Gand. In: F. Gadet (ed.), Les Métropoles francophones 
européennes, Paris: Garnier, 185-202.
Lafkioui Mena B. 2021. Codeswitching and artistic performance among 
multilingual mino-rities in Flanders, Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 35 
(1), Special “Issue Current Per-spectives in Codeswitching”, E. Vanden 
Wyngaerd, R. Enghels, M. B. Lafkioui and M. Steffens (eds.), 34- 50.

Dr. Laura Grestenberger
Elise-Richter-Fellow, Institute of Iranian Studies, Austrian Academy of 
Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna
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