[Vortraege] Nachtrag Vortragsankündigungen

Martina Obermaier Martina.Obermaier at univie.ac.at
Thu Jan 12 09:56:09 CET 2012

Sehr geehrte InsitutsmitgliederInnen,

anbei ein Nachtrag zu den Vortragsankündigungen

mit besten Grüßen

Martina Obermaier

       zu zwei Vorträgen des Wiener Algebra-Seminars

Am Freitag, 13.1.2012, hören wir im Rahmen des
"Wiener Algebra-Seminars" zwei Vorträge:

Um 12:15 spricht
                   Erhard Aichinger
                  (Universität Linz)

       Polynomials and Structure of Universal Algebras

gefolgt um 13:15 von

                    Gabor Horvath
                 (Debreceni Egyetem)

mit einem Vortrag über

                The complexity of the
         equivalence and equation solvability
                over finite algebras

Beide Vorträge finden im
      "kleinen Seminarraum 104" des
       Instituts für Diskrete Mathematik und Geometrie,
       1040 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10, Turm A, 5.Stock

Abstract des ersten Vortrags:

In this talk, we will present some results that link the structure of
a universal algebra with its clone of polynomial functions.

It has recently been proved that for every finite algebra with a
Mal'cev term, the clone of polynomial operations and the clone of term
operations are both finitely related. This establishes that up to
isomorphism and term equivalence, there are only countably many finite
algebras with a Mal'cev term; in group theory this yields that for
every group G, there exists a subgroup H of some finite power G^k such
that for all n, all subgroups of G^n can - in a certain way - be
constructed from H. We will compare two concepts of nilpotence for
expansions of groups. Starting from the well-known fact that every
finite nilpotent group is a direct product of p-groups and Kearnes's
generalization to finite nilpotent algebras in congruence modular
varieties, we present a decomposition result for certain nilpotent
infinite expanded groups.

-- http://www.dmg.tuwien.ac.at/fg1/seminar/

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