[PLing] Workshop "Dissecting Morphological Theory 1: Diminutivization Across Languages and Frameworks"

Arsenijevic, Boban (boban.arsenijevic@uni-graz.at) boban.arsenijevic at uni-graz.at
Sat Aug 21 12:52:38 CEST 2021

We are happy to invite Slavic linguists to our workshop titled:

Dissecting Morphological Theory 1: Diminutivization Across Languages and Frameworks

The workshop is organized within this year’s SLE conference (its workshop 9), and is the first of a series of workshops that challenge morphological theory with data from diminutivization and address three basic issues of diminutive morphology: A. Demarcation, B. Status in grammar, and C. Theoretical description.

Diminutive(-related) meanings and forms have received much attention in the literature (overview in Grandi & Körtvelyessy 2015) and some authors have claimed that we cannot account for peculiarities of diminutives with the regular mechanisms of grammar but need an additional component: evaluative morphology (Scalise 1986), morphopragmatics (Dressler & Merlini-Barnaresi 1994). Do we? Or is everything a matter of method (Jurafsky 1996)?

Convenors: Stela Manova, Boban Arsenijevic, Laura Grestenberger & Katharina Korecky-Kröll
Dates: 30-31.08.2021
Format: online, 20 min presentation + 10 min discussion
Web page: https://sites.google.com/view/morphologytheories-diminutives


Monday, August 30th
17.00-17.30       Introduction, Stela Manova, Boban Arsenijevic, Laura Grestenberger, Katharina Korecky-Kröll
17.30-18.00       Diminutive or singulative? The suffixes -in and -k in Russian, Olga Kagan & Silva Nurmio
18.00-18.30       Diminution, categorization and declension class in Serbo-Croatian, Boban Arsenijevic & Marko Simonovic
18.30-19.00       Slavic diminutive morphology: An interplay of scope, templates and paradigms, Dmitri Sitchinava & Stela Manova

Tuesday, August 31st
09.00-09.30       Parameters of variation in the syntax of expressive size suffixes: Case studies of Russian, German, Spanish, and Greek, Olga Steriopolo, Giorgos Markopoulos & Vassilios Spyropoulos
09.30-10.00       Structural functions of diminutives in modern Russian, Maria Voeikova
10.00-10.30       Borrowed or inspired? Komi diminutive under Russian influence, László Fejes
10.30-11.00       Diminutivization in Lithuanian: The case of noun borrowing, Bonifacas Stundžia & Lina Inčiuraitė-Noreikienė
11.00-11.30       Pejorative suffixation in present-day English: A sociolinguistic analysis of -ie and -o nominalisations, Elizaveta Tarasova & Jose Antonio Sánchez Fajardo
11.30-12.00       The Swedish suffix -is and its place in the theory of diminutivization, Maria Rosenberg
12.00-12.30       Diminutive formation in Spanish: evidence for word morphology, Angel Alonso-Cortés
12.30-13.30       Lunch
13.30-14.30       Anna Siewierska and Eugenio Coseriu Awards and Presentations
14.30-15.00       Typological impact of morphological richness and priority of pragmatics over semantics in Italian, Arabic, German, and English diminutives, Wolfgang U. Dressler, Elisa Mattiello & Veronika Ritt-Benmimoun
15.00-15.30       Acquisition of diminutives in typologically different languages: Evidence from, Russian and Estonian, Reili Argus & Victoria Kazakovskaya
15.30-16.00       Prosodic factors in the selection of Bulgarian diminutive suffixes in the perspective of Headmost accent theory, Mirena Patseva
16.00-16.30       Break
16.30-17.00       Decomposing so-called diminutives in Turkish, Utku Türk
17.00-17.30       Diminutives: Templatic morphology in an agglutinating language, Péter Rebrus, Péter Szigetvári, & Miklós Törkenczy
17.30-18.00       The parallel between diminutives, hypocoristics and embellished clippings in English and Dutch, Camiel Hamans
18.00-18.30       Verbal diminutives and cross-categorial syncretism, Laura Grestenberger & Dalina Kallulli
18.30-19.00       Discussion, Moderators: S. Manova, B. Arsenijevic, L. Grestenberger, K. Korecky-Kröll
20.00                  Digital welcoming reception

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