[pca] getupdates.oracle.com is not ready for prime time

Dennis Clarke dclarke at blastwave.org
Fri Dec 17 16:09:47 CET 2010

> Looks like also that you're not alone... Every SUN customer here in
> Belgium has
> experienced the same issue during days... Hope that they will fix
> everything out quickly,

      Or expect a mighty class action law suit !

Really, I don't see how Oracle could mess this up worse.

I have a long memory for the way things were in the good ol' days
when the patch access was just an ftp site. Sure, you paid
a RTU fee for the operating system and I was fine with that. I had
multiple Solaris 2.5.1 servers at home and they all cost money. I'm
totally *fine* with spending money and in fact, I think it is the
critical piece that pony-tail forgot about business. So long as
there are customers paying money for service and support we have
engineers and scientists working on the best UNIX and hardware
in the world.

Pony tail royally screwed that up now didn't he?

Now we have Oracle trying to mess it up by getting way too
complicated on something dead easy simple.

        Trivial in fact.

The process of putting files on a server on the internet
somewhere so that people can access them is *trivial*.

A little security is required to ensure that people have
authorized access to those files based on contracts.

Well how tough is that? A simple sql query to a database
to fetch some access bits would determine if access is granted or
not. Right? I hear that Oracle knows something about databases
also. At least that is the rumour.

When I see a massive billion dollar corporation screw up
something this completely it is not because of benign neglect
or ignorance. It is either stupidity or deliberate sabotage.

Pick one.


ps: Of course, it may be that no one cares at all about the customer.

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