[News Alte Geschichte] WG: [Ika-einladungen] Fwd: [Eranos-Vindobonensis] Eranos: Janko: Derveni Papyrus: 28 April 2022 um 17:00 s.t. CEDT

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Di Apr 26 09:39:13 CEST 2022

Von: IKA-Einladungen <ika-einladungen-bounces at lists.univie.ac.at> Im Auftrag von Klassische Archäologie
Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. April 2022 09:15
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Betreff: [Ika-einladungen] Fwd: [Eranos-Vindobonensis] Eranos: Janko: Derveni Papyrus: 28 April 2022 um 17:00 s.t. CEDT

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[Eranos-Vindobonensis] Eranos: Janko: Derveni Papyrus: 28 April 2022 um 17:00 s.t. CEDT


Wed, 20 Apr 2022 08:40:15 +0200


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Danuta Shanzer <danuta.shanzer at univie.ac.at><mailto:danuta.shanzer at univie.ac.at>

Die genannten Institutionen erlauben sich, zu folgendem Vortrag einzuladen, den

Richard Janko
(The University of Michigan)

am Donnerstag, dem 28. April 2022, um 17 Uhr s. t. (CEDT)


halten wird:

Online (Zoom):  Klicken Sie hier um beizutreten:


und melden Sie sich mit Ihrem echten Namen an (Vorname + Zuname)!

The cult of the Erinyes, Heraclitus, and the Mysteries of Dionysus in the Derveni papyrus

The main section of the Derveni papyrus, the oldest European book that physically survives (it dates from c.360 BCE but contains a text from the 5th century enlightenment), quotes a scandalous theogony ascribed to Orpheus that was used in the Mysteries of Dionysus. The author who quotes this theogony is a monotheist who argues that in fact it describes the creation of the world in terms of the physics of Anaxagoras and his followers. In the damaged opening columns of the papyrus, however, he discusses very different topics -- the cult of the Erinyes, the fate of the soul, and the thought of Heraclitus. The application of new techniques for reading and reconstructing the papyrus, together with evidence from the Villa of the Mysteries and elsewhere, helps to resolve this puzzle and reveals unexpected beliefs about the afterlife.

Guest Discussant:  Jan Bremmer (Groningen and Regensburg)

Univ.-Doz. Dr. Thomas Kruse

Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Marion Meyer

Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Danuta Shanzer

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