[DissKoll] Colloquium for Master and PhD Students: April 9, 2013 at 5pm in D 1.01

Martin Köberl martin.koeberl at gmail.com
Fri Mar 29 21:25:42 CET 2013

(English version follows below; PLEASE NOTE THAT TIME HAS CHANGED)

Liebe Mitstudierende und Disskoll-Interessierte,
wir freuen uns den nächsten Vortrag anzukündigen:

Paul Wedrich, der seinen Bachelor an der Universität Wien erworben hat und
nun nach Absolvierung des Masterstudiums auch sein Doktoratsstudium in
Cambridge begonnen hat, wird am 9. April einen "Crash Course in Link
Homology" geben. Der Vortrag beginnt um 1700 im D 1.01 und wird etwa eine
Stunde dauern. Eine Inhaltsangabe des Vortrags ist am Ende dieser Email zu

Themen-/Vortragenden-/Vortragsvorschläge sind jederzeit per Email

Wir verbleiben mit besten Grüßen und wünschen frohe Ostern,
Martin Köberl (martin.koeberl at gmail.com)
Fabio Tonti (ftonti at gmail.com)

Mailingliste: http://lists.univie.ac.at/mailman/listinfo/disskoll.mathematik
Webseite: http://mat.univie.ac.at/%7Edisskoll/

Dear fellow students and subscribers,
we are happy to announce the next talk in this summer term.

On April 9, Paul Wedrich, who graduated with BSc from University of Vienna
and is now a PhD student at Cambridge University, will give a "Crash Course
in Link Homology". The talk will start at 5 pm in D 1.01 and will last
about one hour. You can find an abstract at the bottom of this email.

If you are interested in giving a talk or know someone who might be, feel
free to send us an email.

All the best,
Happy Easter,
Martin Köberl (martin.koeberl at gmail.com)
Fabio Tonti (ftonti at gmail.com)

Mailing list: http://lists.univie.ac.at/mailman/listinfo/disskoll.mathematik
Web page: http://mat.univie.ac.at/%7Edisskoll/

Abstract of Crash Course in Link Homology:
Khovanov homology and its offspring are the subjects of the burgeoning
field of link homology which lies at an intersection of low-dimensional
topology, Lie theory and quantum field theory.
In the first part of the talk I intend to give a quick, accessible
introduction to the Jones polynomial and Khovanov homology. In the second
part I will hint at directions of current research and connections to other
parts of mathematics (and maybe physics).
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