[DissKoll] Reminder Disskoll, 16.11.2009

Klemens Katterbauer katterbauer.klemens at gmail.com
Sun Nov 15 18:26:58 CET 2009

Dear visitors of the DissKoll (Dissertantenkolloquium),

A reminder of tomorrow's talk given by Clemens Bruschek (University of
Vienna), where he will talk about "Algebraic Geometry".

Clemens Bruschek
"Algebraic Geometry"

Algebraic geometry is the study of geometrical objects given by algebraic
data. For example one is interested in the structure of the set of solutions
of a finite set of polynomial equations in several variables over a field.
After a quick introduction to the very basics of algebraic geometry we will
focus on the study of such solutions in the ring of formal or convergent
power series. This will lead to the study of infinite dimensional algebraic
varieties, so called "arc spaces" and their natural generalizations. Along
this roadmap we will point out to other research topics the field.

Monday, November 16, 2009, 17:15, Room C 2.07
Coffee and cookies served from 17:00 in the Common Room C 2.06

Program and further information you can find at

If you are interested in giving a talk, then please contact Klemens
Katterbauer via the below given E-mail address or cell phone number.

To join the mailing list, visit

Comments and feedback are welcomed.

We are looking forward to your attendance,

 Clemens Bruschek
Clemens Hanel
Klemens Katterbauer

Klemens Katterbauer
Student of Mathematics
Tel. No. (+43) 664 7375 4846
homepage: http://members.aon.at/katterbauerklemens/

Klemens Katterbauer
Matematik öğrencisi
Tel. numarası: (+43) 664 7375 4846
anasayfa: http://members.aon.at/katterbauerklemens/

Klemens Katterbauer
대학생 수학
전화번호: (+43) 664 7375 4846

克林  卡塔尔柏尔-克林-泼辣
学生, 数学和经济学
首页: http://members.aon.at/katterbauerklemens/

Margaritenweg 8
2301 Groß-Enzersdorf, AUSTRIA (奥地利)

电邮地址: katterbauer.klemens at gmail.com
电话号码: (+43) 664 7375 4846
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