[Vortraege] Vortrag von Tibor Csendes

Hermann Schichl Hermann.Schichl at univie.ac.at
Wed Oct 23 14:59:48 CEST 2019

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen!

Ich würde gerne einen Vortrag ankündigen, und zwar im
Optimierungsseminar, am Di 31.10.2019 um 15:00 im SR 11,
von Tibor Csendes (Univ. Szeged) mit dem Titel

Modeling, Simulation and Optimization: Applied Research for Innovation

und dem Abstract

Beyond our better advertised basic research, we also invest some time
for innovation related applied research. In the present talk some of
our recent works are summarized. These contain the optimal design of
public road lights, an optimal surgical operation design algorithm, and
two smart phone applications for automatic paging of music scores and  a
microsimulation based app for dairy farms to decide whether it is better
to sell the ill cow.

Vielen Dank und liebe Grüße,
Hermann Schichl

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