[Vortraege] Vortragsankündigungen KW. 43

Danijela Radosavljevic Danijela.Radosavljevic at univie.ac.at
Fri Oct 17 15:26:05 CEST 2014

Sehr geehrte Fakultätsmitglieder,

anbei die Vortragsankündigungen für die KW.43, im Anhang finden Sie den 
Text auch als PDF Datei.
** <http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/vs-mfp/>**

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Danijela Radosavljevic
Institut für Mathematik
Universität Wien
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
1090 Wien
Zi. 10.140
Tel: 43 1 4277 50629
Fax: 43 1 4277 9506


*Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014, Sky-Lounge (12 OG), Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 
1, 1090 Wien*

*Mathematisches Kolloquium*

*Dr. Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb (University of Cambridge): *

*“From imperfection to information: a mathematical approach to image 
retrieval and analysis”*



/Restoring the original image contents from distorted measurements is 
one of the most important tasks in image processing.
  It comprises the enhancement and reconstruction of images distorted by 
noise or blur (image denoising/deblurring),
the filling-in of gaps in images (image inpainting) and the 
reconstruction of an image from noisy (and possible undersampled)
  Fourier/Radon measurements. In this presentation we will discuss 
techniques from inverse problems, variational calculus and
partial differential equations for the solution of some of these tasks. 
After spending some time on introducing the concept of such
  methods, some of their analytical and numerical challenges, we will 
get to know some recent advances in the field as well as
challenges and open problems. All the mathematics you will see will be 
furnished with images from applications for image restoration,
  surface interpolation and Magnetic Resonance Tomography, just to name 
a few./


*15:45 Uhr – 16:15 Uhr K & K (Sky Lounge)*


*Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Otmar Scherzer*

*Dekan Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harald Rindler*


*Montag, 20. Oktober 2014 ab 14:15 Uhr bis Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014, ab 
14:15 Uhr, Erwin Schrödinger Lecture Hall, Boltzmanngasse 9, 1090 Wien*

*ESI Seminar*

*Dr. Alessandro Valentino (MPI Bonn): *

*“Topological Quantum Field Theory via Higher Category Theory”*

*(Simons Lecture Course on Mathematical Physics)*

*organized by N. Carqueville *


*Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2014, von 15:15 bis 16:45 Uhr, TU 
Dissertantenraum, Freihaus, Turm A, 8. **Stock, Wiedner Hauptstraße 
8-10, 1040 Wien*

*AG Diskrete Mathematik Seminar*

*Gwendal Collet (Ecole Polytechnique, TU Wien): “Bijections for simple 
maps and their applications”*


*Dienstag, 21. Oktober ab 15:00 Uhr, Seminarraum Biomathematik , 9. 
**Stock *

*Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien*

*Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biomathematik *

*Amirreza Khodadadian (Univ.Wien): “A transport equation for confined 
structures applied to the OprP, Gramicidin A, and KcsA channels”***



*Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2014, von 15:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr, Seminarraum 8, 
2. **Stock *

*Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien*

*Geometry and Analysis on Groups *

*Martin Finn-Sell: “Some analytic consequences of coarsely containing an 

*Link: **http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~gagt/Seminar.html* 

*Organized by G. Arzhantseva, Ch. Cashen *


*Mittwoch, 22.Oktober 2014, von 14:00 Uhr bis 15:00 Uhr, TU Wien, 
Freihaus, grüner Turm, 4.Stock, SEM 101 C, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 
1040 Wien*

*DK Seminar*

*Daniel Matthes (Technische Universität München):
“Convex Lyapunov functionals for non-convex gradient flows: two examples”*

*Link: *http://npde.tuwien.ac.at/teaching/StatSemAbstracts_WS14/Matthes.pdf


*Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2014, von 11:00 Uhr bis 12:00 Uhr, Seminarraum 
A, 2. Stock, Währinger Straße 17, 1090 Wien*

*Geometric Analysis and Physics (GAP)***

*M. Thaller (Gravitational Physics Univ. Wien): tba*

*Organized by M.Bauer (Uni Wien), V. Branding (TU, Wien), D. Fajman 
(UniWien), *

*J. Joudioux (Uni Wien)*


*Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2014,von 16:30 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr, Seminarraum 
9,2 Stock
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien*

*Vienna Seminar in Mathematical Finance and Probability
**Johanna Penteker (Johannes Kepler Univ., Linz): “p-summing 
multiplication operators, dyadic Hardy spaces and atomic decomposition”*

*Link: **http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/vs-mfp/***


*Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2014 ab 16:00 Uhr, Erwin Schrödinger Lecture 
Hall, Boltzmanngasse 9, 1090 Wien*

*ESI Seminar*

*Dr. Anthony Blanc (ESI, Univ. Wien):”Topological K-theory of 
dg-categories (part2/2)”*

*organized by N. Carqueville *



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