[Vortraege] talk announcement

Norbert Mauser norbert.mauser at univie.ac.at
Mon Jun 2 07:16:02 CEST 2014

Dear Collegues,

please note the talk of
Prof. Francis NIER (IRMAR Rennes & U. Paris Nord)

Wednesday 4 June, 11h00
WPI seminar room 8.135
8th floor Math builing
Oskar MorgenSternPlatz 1, 1090

Title: "Phase-space approach to bosonic mean field asymptotic: an overview"

The bosonic mean field approximation can be presented as an infinite
dimensional semiclassical asymptotics. This was known for a long time at
the formal level or on some specific examples, after Bogoliubov, Berezin
and Hepp for example. Benefitting from the advances in semiclassical
analysis of the nineties, we went back to this point of view in a series
of works with Zied Ammari. This analysis shows deep interrelations between
quantum field theory, microlocal analysis, stochastic processes and
measure transportations. It also provides new results and new quantities
which motivate forthcoming theoretical or numerical works.

best regards


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