[Vortraege] Vortragsankündigungen der komm. Woche (KW51)

Danijela Radosavljevic Danijela.Radosavljevic at univie.ac.at
Fri Dec 11 14:26:54 CET 2009

Sehr geehrte Fakultätsmitglieder,

anbei die Vortragsankündigungen für die nächste Woche, im Anhang finden 
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Danijela Radosavljevic

Fakultät für Mathematik
Universität Wien
Nordbergstr. 15, UZA 4
Tel: 43 1 4277 50603
Fax: 43 1 4277 9506


Mittwoch, 16. Dezember, 16:15 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr, C 209, UZA 4
Mathematisches Kolloquium
Prof. Straube (Texas A&M University)
The $\overline{\partial}$Neumann problem: What, why, and how”''

In this lecture, intended for a general mathematical audience, I will 
explain what the $\overline{\partial}$-Neumann problem is and what role 
it plays in several complex variables. I will also illustrate some of 
the methods that have been developed to deal with various questions that 
arise in the context of the problem. These methods involve algebra, 
analysis, geometry, and potential theory.

(Dekan Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harald Rindler, Privatdoz. Dr. Bernhard Lamel)

Freitag, 18 Dezember, 15:15 Uhr bis 16:00 Uhr, C 209, UZA 4
Außerordentliches Mathematisches Kolloquium
Prof. Josef Teichmann (ETH Zürich)
''A dynamic approach to scenario generation for risk management''

We describe a new approach to scenario generation in risk
management, which combines several well-known approaches from the 
literature. The approach is based on the calibration of underlying 
stochastic differential equation to a given time series and is flexible 
towards the inclusion of extreme events, business time versus trading 
time, etc. Several implementations are presented.

(Kaffeejause:  16:00 Uhr bis 16:15 Uhr im Common Room)

(Dekan Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harald Rindler)

Mittwoch, 18. Dezember, 16:15 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr, C 209, UZA 4
Außerordentliches Mathematisches Kolloquium
Prof. Einsiedler (ETH Zürich)
“Badly approximable numbers and Unique ergodicity on Adelic quotients”
Recall (which we will) that a real number $a$ is called badly 
approximable if the digits $c_n(a)$ in its continued fractions expansion 
are bounded.   Boshernitzan asked whether there exists an irrational $a$ 
for which
$\sup_m  \limsup_n c_n(ma) < \infty$. We show how a measure 
classification result of Lindenstrauss on the adelic quotient 
$SL_2(Q)\backslash SL_2(A)$ shows that there is no such $a$. This and 
related work on the Diophantine properties of typical numbers in certain 
fractals is joint work with Fishman and Shapira.

(Dekan Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harald Rindler)
Montag, 14. Dezember 2009, ab 15:15 Uhr, UZA 4, Seminarraum D 107
Geometry Seminar   
Dipl.-Ing. Phillip Harms und Dipl. Ing. Martin Bauer
“Almost local metrics on shape space of hypersurfaces in n-space.
Link: http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~cap/geomsem/091214.html

Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2009, ab 14:00 Uhr bis Freitag, 18. Dezember 
2009, ab 09:30 Uhr, ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall, Boltzmanngasse 9, 1090 Wien
ESI Workshop – Complex Analysis Seminar: “The dbar – Neumann problem“
organized by: F. Haslinger, B. Lamel, E. Straube

Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2009, ab 15:00 Uhr, HS D1.03, UZA 4
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biomathematik
Mag. Dr. Simon Weidenholzer (Universität Wien)
„Imitation in minimum effort network games“

Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2009, von 15:15 Uhr bis 16:45 Uhr, TU Institut 
für Diskrete Mathematik und Geometrie, Freihaus, grüner Turm (A), 8. 
Stock, Dissertantenraum, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1040 Wien
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Krattenthaler
“The poset of bipartitions”

Mittwoch, 16 Dezember 2009, von 15:00 Uhr – 15:45 Uhr, D 103, UZA 4
Öffentliche Defensio
MMag. Sabine Hittmeir
„Nonlinear waves in kinetic transport and nonlocal diffusion equations”

Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2009, ab 15:00 Uhr, Seminarraum C 714 (WPI 
Seminarraum), Nordbergstraße 15, 1090 Wien
WK Student Seminar
Ziehaus Christina
organized by WPI
Link: http://www.wpi.ac.at/talks_view.php

Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2009, ab 15:00 Uhr, Seminarraum C 714 (WPI 
Seminarraum), Nordbergstraße 15, 1090 Wien
WK Student Seminar
Karlsson Sara
organized by WPI
Link: http://www.wpi.ac.at/talks_view.php

Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2009 17:15 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr, C 209, UZA 4
(Kaffeejause: 17:00 Uhr bis 17:15 Uhr im Common Room)
Mag. Dr. Klaus Gansberger (Universität Wien, Fakultät für Mathematik)
“The d-bar Neumann problem in SCV”

Function theory in Several Complex Variables features a lot of 
differences to the theory in one variable. I will start by pointing out 
some of them and afterwards give a short introduction to the 
dbar-Neumann problem and why it is desirable to know about it. If there 
is time left, I will also present some recent work of the complex 
analysis group in that direction.

Freitag, 18. Dezember 2009, ab 14:15 Uhr– 16:00 Uhr, HS 2, UZA 2, 
Althanstraße 14, 1090 Wien
WPI: „9th Pauli Colloquium“
Monika Henzinger (WPI c/o Fak. Informatik, U. Wien & EPFL): „Introduction”
Tim Roughgarden (Standford Univ. , Computer Science Department): 
„Intrinsic Robustness of the Price of Anarchy“
organized by: ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. N. J. Mauser

Samstag, 12. Dezember 2009 bis Freitag, 18 Dezember 2009
Miniworkshop: „Preliminary Program – Conference “Cycles and String Theory“
organized by: A. Iliev, L. Katzarkov, M. Kreuzer

Samstag 12. Dezember 2009 ab 13:00 Uhr, C 209, UZA 4

Sonntag 13. Dezember 2009 ab 13:00 Uhr, C 209, UZA 4

Montag, 14. Dezember 2009 ab 13:00 Uhr, Seminarraum S1, Althanstr. 
12-14, 1090 Wien

Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2009, ab 13:00 Uhr, D 104, UZA 4

Mittwoch, 16 Dezember 2009, ab 13:00 Uhr, Seminarraum S1, Althanstraße 
12-14, 1090 Wien

Freitag, 18. Dezember 2009, ab 14:30 Uhr, 2A 310, UZA 2

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