[Vortraege] Vortragsankündigungen der komm. Woche (KW 42)

Dekanat für Mathematik dekanat.mathematik at univie.ac.at
Fri Oct 10 12:54:35 CEST 2008

Sehr geehrte Fakultätsmitglieder,

anbei die Vortragsankündigungen für die nächste Woche, im Anhang finden 
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Mittwoch, 15. Oktober, 15:00 Uhr bis 15:45 Uhr, C 209
Junior Colloquium
Prof. Frank Sottile (Texas A&M University, USA)
„Equations and Geometry: an Introduction to the Colloquium“
This is the first junior colloquium: In the junior colloquium the 
speaker of the mathematical colloquium will provide some background and 
an introduction into the subject he will talk about in the mathematical 
colloquium. The junior colloquium is organized especially for the 
Ph.D.-students, in order that they have less difficulty in following the 
mathematical colloquium.

Kaffeejause um 15:45 Uhr im Common Room

Mittwoch, 15. Oktober,  16:15 Uhr, C 209
Mathematisches Kolloquium
Prof. Frank Sottile (Texas A&M University, USA)
„Bounds for real solutions to structured polynomial systems“
Abstract: Understanding the real solutions to systems of polynomial 
equations  is a difficult  question with  many applications. In  
particular, a  non-trivial lower  bound is  an existence proof  for  
solutions and non-trivial upper bounds give complexity bounds.
While  it  is hopeless  to  expect  anything in  general, recent work  
gives many  examples of equations  with special combinatorial or  
geometric structure possessing non-trivial bounds.
In this  talk, I will survey some  of these developments, including the 
striking  results using tropical geometry that "most" rational  curves 
of degree d  interpolating 3d-1 real points  in the  plane are  real  
and the  resolution of  the Shapiro conjecture  which implies, for  
instance, that every rational function with only real critical points is 
real. I will  also  discuss intriguing  lower  bounds and  realistic 
upper  bounds   recently  obtained  for   sparse  polynomial systems.

(Prof. Rindler, Prof. Krattenthaler)

Dienstag, 14. Oktober, 13:00 Uhr, 2A180, Geozentrum UZA II, Althanstr. 14
Öffentliche Defensio
Mag. Gholam Hossein Mehrabian
„Der kanonische Lösungsoperator zur d-bar - Gleichung“

Dienstag, 14. Oktober, 15:00 Uhr, D 103
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biomathematik
Martin Hahn (Wien)
„Best response dynamics for cyclic 4x4 games“

Donnerstag, 16. Oktober, 15:30 Uhr, 2A310, UZA 2
Geometry Seminar
Ewald Nigsch

Dienstag, 14. Oktober, 14:00 Uhr, ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall, Boltzmanng. 9
Francis Everitt (Stanford University)
„The History of Gravity Probe B“

Montag, 13. Oktober bis Dienstag, 14. Oktober
Ab Montag, 13. Oktober, Beginn um 9:30 Uhr, ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall, 
Boltzmanng. 9
ESI-Workshop „Mathematical Challenges in String Phenomenology“ 
(organized by R. Blumenhagen, M.R. Douglas, M. Kreuzer, E. Scheidegger)

Mittwoch, 15. Oktober bis Sonntag, 19. Oktober
Ab Mittwoch, 15. Oktober, Beginn um 11:15 Uhr, ESI Boltzmann Lecture 
Hall, Boltzmanng. 9
ESI-Workshop „Homological Mirror Symmetry and applications“ (organized 
by Prof. Ludmil Katzarkov)


Donnerstag,  16. Oktober 2008 bis Samstag 28. Februar 2009, 13:00 Uhr 
bis 15:00 Uhr,
ESI Schrödinger Lecture Hall, Boltzmanng. 9
ESI Senior Research Fellow Program, fall/winter 2008/09
Prof. Goran Muic (University of Zagreb)
„Selected Topics in the Theory of Automorphic Forms for Reductive Groups“
Abstract: Let G be a reductive algebraic group over Q. Let A be the ring 
of ad' eles of Q. One of the goals of the Langlands program is to 
understand square--integrable automorphic forms which are particularly 
nice functions in L2(G(Q)|G(A)) that contain arithmetic information 
related to the absolute Galois group. According to Langlands, the 
formalism of Eisenstein series is used not only to construct automorphic 
forms but also to construct Lfunctions which appear in a constant term. 
Eisenstein series are meromorphic functions which have complicated 
singularities. We explain how one can use local representation theory to 
study their poles. We explain some applications of the theory of 
Eisenstein series. On the other hand, there are cusp forms which are 
mysterious and there are not so many ways to study them. We explain some 
methods for constructing the cusp forms.

Dienstag, 14. Oktober, 15:15 Uhr bis 16:45 Uhr, TU Wien, 
Dissertantenraum, Freihaus,
grüner Turm (A), 8. Stock, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, 1040 Wien
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Diskrete Mathematik
Prof. Christian Krattenthaler (Universität Wien)
„The interaction of a gap with a free boundary in a two-dimensional 
dimer system"

Noch eine allgemeine Information:
Es wird (von Prof. Feichtinger) empfohlen, den Austrian Talk-Server f. 
Mathematik als Bookmark auf der privaten Homepage einzurichten, und in 
der laufenden Probephase eventuelle Probleme oder Mängel an Herrn Dr. 
Mayer (man.mayer at aon.at) zu melden. Mittelfristig sollte der Talk-Server 
die Zentrale Informationsquelle sind, wo alle math. Events Österreichs 
laufend aktuell und übersichtlich aufgelistet zu finden sind.
Link: MathTalksAustria – Österreichischer Vortragsserver:


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Margit Honkisz
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