[Vortraege] Vortragsankündigungen der komm. Woche (KW 27)

Dekanat für Mathematik dekanat.mathematik at univie.ac.at
Fri Jun 27 11:36:49 CEST 2008

Sehr geehrte Fakultätsmitglieder,

anbei die Vortragsankündigungen für die nächsten Woche.

Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Gudrun Kretzschmar


26. Mai bis 6. Juli, ESI – Erwin Schrödinger Institut, Boltzmanng. 9*
ESI – Programm
„Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems“

*3. Juli bis 4. Juli, ESI Erwin Schrödinger Institut, Boltzmanng. 9*
Symposium on the 65^th birthday of Hans Lischka
Link: http://www.univie.ac.at/qccd/lischka65/index.html

*Dienstag, 1. Juli, WPI – Wolfgang Pauli Institute, WPI Seminar Room C 
714, Nordbergstr. 15, 1090 Wien, 15:00 Uhr*
Arieh Iserles (Univ. Cambridge)
/„Highly oscillatory Fredholm operators: from spectral methods to 
modified Fourier expansions“/

*Mittwoch, 2. Juli, WPI, WPI Seminar Room C 714, Nordbergstr. 15, 1090 
Wien, 11:30 Uhr*
Workshop on 'Kinetic and Macroscopic Models for Cars, Supply Chains, and 
Pedestrian Flows' (2008)
Illner Reinhard
/"From Kinetic Traffic Models of Vlasov type to generalized macroscopic 
models of Aw-Rascle Type, and Stop-and-Go Waves in Dense Traffic"/
After a brief survey of traffic models I will discuss three questions: 
Existence and univalence (or multivalence) of the fundamental diagram, 
the link between kinetic and macroscopic models, and the emergence of 
moving traffic jams in dense traffic.
The latter phenomenon will be discussed for a macroscopic model derived 
from a Vlasov type kinetic model (with reasonable nonlocalities) which 
possesses classes of traveling wave solutions.
/ /
*Mittwoch, 2. Juli, 14:30 Uhr*
Pareschi Lorenzo

*Mittwoch, 2. Juli, 16:00 Uhr*
Degond Pierre

*Donnerstag, 3. Juli, 10:00 Uhr*
Schadschneider Andreas
/"Cellular automata models of traffic on ant trails"/
Ants build and use a transport system that has many similarities with 
human-build highway networks. The main mechanism for the formation of 
these ant trails is a special form of communication on a chemical basis, 
called chemotaxis.Using a stochastic cellular automaton model which is 
an extension of the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (ASEP) that 
takes into account the effects of chemotaxis
we discuss the basic properties of the traffic flow on existing trails. 
Surprisingly it is found that in certain regimes the average speed of 
the ants can vary non-monotonically with their density. This is in sharp 
contrast to highway traffic. The observations can be understood by the 
formation of loose clusters, i.e. space regions of enhanced,but not 
maximal, density.
The predictions of the model approach are in qualitative agreement with 
empirical observations on natural ant trails for which we have 
determined fundamental diagrams, velocity and headway distributions etc. 
by video analysis.

*Donnerstag, 3. Juli, 11:30 Uhr*
Farkas Illes
* *
*Donnerstag, 3. Juli, 14:30 Uhr*
Schadschneider Andreas
/"Cellular automata models of pedestrian dynamics"/
Understanding the dynamical properties of large crowds is of great 
practical importance. Emergency situations require efficient evacuation 
strategies to avoid casualties and reduce the number of injured persons.
In many cases legal requirements have to be fulfilled, e.g. for aircraft 
or cruise ships. For tests already in the planning stage reliable 
simulation models are required to avoid additional costs for changes in 
the construction.
 From a physics point of view pedestrian dynamics is challenging due to 
the large variety of collective phenomena that can be observed, e.g. 
formation of lanes in counterflow.
In this talk we give an overview on the empirical and theoretical 
results on pedestrian dynamics. The focus will be on a cellular 
automaton model (the floor field model) in which interactions are 
implemented in analogy to the process of chemotaxis.

*Donnerstag, 3. Juli, 16:00 Uhr*
Treiber Martin

*Freitag, 4. Juli, 9:45 Uhr*
Herty Michael
/"Kinetic Equations in Supply Chains"/
We present a network model for supply chains with policy attributes 
using kinetic equations. The proposed network model is an extension of 
the single lane model with policy attributes presented by Degond et. al.
The single lane model is extended to the network case using suitable 
moment closures. Numerical results are presented for several different 

*Noch eine allgemeine Information:*
Es wird (von Prof. Feichtinger) empfohlen, den Austrian Talk-Server f. 
Mathematik als Bookmark auf der privaten Homepage einzurichten, und in 
der laufenden Probephase eventuelle Probleme oder Maengel an Herrn Dr. 
Mayer (man.mayer at aon.at <mailto:man.mayer at aon.at>) zu melden. 
Mittelfristig sollte der Talk-Server die Zentrale Informationsquelle 
sind, wo alle math. Events Oesterreichs laufend aktuell und 
uebersichtlich aufgelistet zu finden sind.
Link: MathTalksAustria – Österreichischer Vortragsserver:

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