[Philosophy of Social Cognition] Sixth Meeting
Martyna Meyer
martyna.meyer at univie.ac.at
Sat Apr 22 00:08:48 CEST 2023
Dear all,
I hope you’re doing well! And I also sincerely hope you enjoyed our last meeting as much as I did :)
Next week, we’re reading Gallagher's criticism of the Simulation Theory. It’s not a very long paper (10-11 pages of text).
Gallagher, S. (2007). Simulation trouble. Social Neuroscience, 2(3–4), 353–365. https://doi.org/10.1080/17470910601183549
You can download a pdf here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/51408354_Simulation_Trouble
As usual, you’re welcome to join online <https://univienna.zoom.us/j/65514918078?pwd=cVZTd2Ivb09uSUFVNTZORWFIOTA4UT09> or in person, at NIG (room 3B, third floor).
We’re starting at 6:30 CET on Tuesday, April 25, 2023.
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I also forward you two messages with notes and links, one from Jonas and one from Andreas, who are both super super cool to bother collecting resources and sending them to me. Thank you very much!
From Jonas:
- top-down modulation of possible simulation in empathy (revenge for baddies!): https://www.nature.com/articles/nature04271
- pain-empathy reduced by placebo analgesia: https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.1511269112 (both effects could be reverted in the same manner by an opioid antagonist)
From Andreas:
hi group,
some references that I was <ahem> asked to contribute ;-)
a feminist-psychologist's perspective on gender differences to ethics and emotion
Gilligan, Carol (1982). In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
[She also revisits such topics in her (much) later talks some of which are online, perhaps easier to get into]
Rizzolatti & Sinigaglia
Giacomo Rizzolatti is the head of the original 3 person group who discovered mirror neurons (the other being gallese and fogassi, his students at the time). He teamed up with Sinigaglia - a philosopher ;-) - to give their own account of mirror neurons. Beyond summarizing and discussing studies directly, the 2008 book has a solid discussion of a European continental tradition: Henri Poincaré's physics/psychology/phenomenology of space and action. Their new 2022/23 book has an additional section - in addition to sections on action and emotion understanding - on vitality forms following Daniel Stern's work. This alone makes it unconventional in both (neuro)science and (analytic) philosophy ;-).
Mirrors in the Brain: How Our Minds Share Actions, Emotions, and Experience (2022)
Mirroring Brains: How we understand others from the inside (2008)
Jean Decety & Claus Lamm. Human empathy through the lens of social neuroscience. Scientific World Journal 2006 Sep 20;6:1146-63. doi: 10.1100/tsw.2006.221.
A succinct description on the "hot route": emotion recognition and understanding. Of course there is some newer stuff now but I'd still recommend it and not only since it features a local as co-author ;-)
Bonini L., Rotunno C., Arcuri E., Gallese V. Mirror neurons 30 years later: Implications and applications. Trends Cogn. Sci. 2022;26:767–781. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2022.06.003.
An update by Luca Bonini on ((some of) the state of the art/play after 30 years. E.g. if you are interested in predictive coding <-> mirror neurons this may be a good start. [I feel really old now since I still sometimes catch myself revisiting a proposal for countering an outstanding question Rizzolatti posed at the "20 years of mirror neurons" conference ;-]
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And there is one more thing I wanted to share with you. :)
We (the administrative elf Alicja and I) spent some time today with an AI image generator, attempting to find an appropriate background image for our potential reading group website. After trying out a bunch of “Philosophy of Social Cognition”-related phrases, we ended up with an image that is in the attachment of this message. I find it hilariously terrible and somehow very much to the point!
Have a great weekend & see you soon!

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