[Philosophy of Social Cognition] Second Meeting

Martyna Meyer martyna.meyer at univie.ac.at
Sat Mar 11 13:50:49 CET 2023

Dear all,

Thank you for the great first meeting last week.
I would like to warmly welcome new subscribers to this mailing list. I'm 
excited for our upcoming discussions!

Now, as for the housekeeping:

For the first meeting (which happened on Tue, March 7), we have read:
Fenici, M. (2017). Rebuilding the Landscape of Psychological 
Understanding After the Mindreading War. Phenomenology and Mind, 12, 
Article 12. https://doi.org/10.13128/Phe_Mi-21113
(Accessible here: 

We also talked about the False Belief Task 

--- --- ---
*This week, we will read*:
O’Madagain, C., & Tomasello, M. (2019). *Joint attention to mental 
content and the social origin of reasoning*. /Synthese, 198/(5), 
4057–4078. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-019-02327-1
You can *access it here*: 

It is a recent paper, co-authored by one of the big names in the 
Theory-of-Mind game: Michael Tomasello. I hope it will facilitate an 
interesting discussion on the topic of joint attention as we examine the 
general idea of and the assumptions behind Theory of Mind.

If you’d like to read more, I encourage you to take a look at the paper 
responsible for this mess:
Premack, D., & Woodruff, G. (1978). Does the chimpanzee have a theory of 
mind? /Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1/(4), 515–526. 
Online here: 

--- --- ---

The next meeting will happen on *Tuesday*, *March 14, 2023* at *NIG* 
(classroom *3B*).
3B is on the third floor; If you are just as confused about NIG as I am, 
here is the plan of the building 

*The meeting time is 18:30-20:00* (CET).

You can definitely *join online* (although, if it's possible, I would 
encourage you to be there in person):

Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 655 1491 8078
Passcode: 761834

If you're up for grabbing a drink afterwards, please let me know via 
this form <https://forms.gle/74rLNSAqVu3fyJJAA>.
This way, we will be able to book a table and make sure there is enough 
space for all of us!

As usual, please let me know in case of any problems or concerns: 
martyna.meyer at univie.ac.at or socialcognition.philosophy at univie.ac.at.
An email with more information about the syllabus and the list of our 
next meetings will follow shortly.

Have a great weekend! I'm looking forward to meeting you soon.


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