[Philosophy of Social Cognition] Fourteenth Meeting
Martyna Meyer
martyna.meyer at univie.ac.at
Sun Jun 18 13:11:26 CEST 2023
Dear all,
I hope you’re enjoying a pleasant Sunday!
For the next week, we have a special treat. We are excited to host a lecture (followed by a Q&A session) given by prof. Michael Rescorla on Mental Representations in Cognitive Science.
If you’d like to prepare for the lecture, I encourage you to read the Stanford Encyclopedia entry on The language of thought hypothesis <https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/language-thought/>, written by prof. Rescorla. (You can find more of prof. Rescorla’s work on his PhilPeople page <https://philpeople.org/profiles/michael-rescorla>)
I’m really looking forward to the meeting and I would like to sincerely invite you to join us :)
As usual, you can do it online (Zoom link <https://univienna.zoom.us/j/65514918078?pwd=cVZTd2Ivb09uSUFVNTZORWFIOTA4UT09>) or in person. We meet in the room 3B (NIG, third floor), at 6:30 CET.
The meeting takes place on Tuesday, June 20, 2023.
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And one more quick announcement:
Our friends at Vienna Forum for Analytic Philosophy are soon hosting a conference on the topic of Attention and Salience (which we have stumbled upon in our discussions on social cognition!). I encourage you to check out their website <https://wfap.philo.at/conferences/12th-wfap-graduate-conference/> and consider joining the event.
The programme is here <https://wfap.philo.at/conferences/12th-wfap-graduate-conference/programme/>. From the perspective of our reading group, the most relevant talks take place on July 8th.
It’s also a chance to hear a talk by Susanna Siegel <https://www.susannasiegel.net/>, who is working on philosophy of perception. Overall, it’s a great opportunity to get acquainted with how analytic philosophy approaches the problems of perception and cognition.
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I’m looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday! :)
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