[PLing] junior research position (pre/post-doc) at the University of Malta

Reinisch, Eva Eva.Reinisch at oeaw.ac.at
Thu Sep 7 08:47:55 CEST 2023

Dear colleagues,

Please distribute the information below. We have about a job opportunity for a junior researcher at the University of Malta. Deadline for applications is Friday, 20th October 2023.

Kind regards,
Eva Reinisch

There is an opening for a “Research Support Officer” (RSO) at the University of Malta (UoM) in the field of Laboratory Phonology
with Holger Mitterer (UoM) and Eva Reinisch (Acoustics Research Institute, ÖAW, Vienna).

The position can be filled at the postdoc level (at the level of RSOIII or ROSIV, for 1 year or 1 year 4 months, respectively)
or for 1 year 6 months for a junior researcher with a Master degree.

The project will investigate the allophonic variation of /r/ following changes in the influence of Italian vs. English over recent decades.
It involves both production studies and perception studies, the later using eye-tracking.


·         A PhD (RSO III and ROS IV) or Master (RSO II) in a relevant field (e.g., Linguistics, Experimental Psychology)

·         Experience with data processing and statistical analysis in R

·         Experience in phonetic transcription using Praat

·         Relocating to Malta

·         Experience with sound-change research

·         Experience with eye-tracking

For inquiries about the project (and the practicalities of relocation) contact Holger Mitterer (holger.mitterer at um.edu.mt<mailto:holger.mitterer at um.edu.mt>).
You can find the official ad here:

Dr. habil. Eva Reinisch
Leiterin Arbeitsgruppe Phonetik | Head of the Phonetics Cluster
Institut für Schallforschung | Acoustics Research Institute
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften | Austrian Academy of Sciences

Wohllebengasse 12-14, 1040 Wien, Österreich | Vienna, Austria
T: +43 1 51581-2503
eva.reinisch at oeaw.ac.at<mailto:eva.reinisch at oeaw.ac.at> | www.oeaw.ac.at/isf<http://www.oeaw.ac.at/isft>

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