[PLing] WSG talk by Roland Mühlenbernd (language & game theory)

Andreas Baumann andreas.baumann at univie.ac.at
Wed Nov 22 10:33:18 CET 2023

Dear colleagues,

on Tuesday, November 28th, 18:30 (Hörsaal 1, Sensengasse 3A, Dept. of Linguistics), Roland Mühlenbernd (Leibniz-ZAS Berlin) will give a talk at the Wiener Sprachgesellschaft<https://wsg.univie.ac.at/veranstaltungen/roland-muehlenbernd-modeling-imprecision-in-context/?mc_id=32> about his current research on language and game theory:

Modeling (im)precision in context

Speakers’ choice between linguistic alternatives often depends on the situation, a prime example involving level of precision at which numerical information is communicated. I will report on a production study in which participants report the time of an event in two different situations, and demonstrate that the results can be reproduced by a probabilistic game-theoretical model in which the speaker’s choice reflects a tradeoff between informativity, accuracy and hearer-oriented simplification. These findings shed light on the pragmatics of (im)precision, and the dynamics of situationally driven pragmatic variation more generally.

More info:


You are cordially invited!

Best, Andreas

PS: sorry for cross-posting!


Ass.-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Andreas Baumann
German Language Sciences: Digital Linguistics

Department of German Studies
University of Vienna

Research Network Data Science
University of Vienna

Address: Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna
Office: Hauptgebäude, Stiege 9, 2. Zwischengeschoß, ZG1O2.51
Email: andreas.baumann at univie.ac.at
Phone: +43 1 4277 43062
Zoom: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/9782332000

Baumann, A.; Stephan, A.; Roth, B. Forthc. Seeing through the mess: evolutionary dynamics of lexical polysemy. EMNLP. Preprint: phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:1942729
Baumann, A.; Hofmann, K.; Marakasova, A.; Neidhardt, J.; Wissik, J. 2023. Semantic micro-dynamics as a reflex of occurrence frequency: a semantic networks approach. Cognitive Linguistics. 10.1515/cog-2022-0008
Baumann, A.; Bausch, N.; Benson, J.; Bloos, S.; Jablonczay, N.; Kirchmair, T.; Sitter, E. 2023. Grumpiness ambivalently relates to negative and positive emotions in ironic Austrian German text data. Proc. LDK 4. Preprint: phaidra.univie.ac.at/o:1655437

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