[PLing] BCCCD24: Registration open

Magdalena Maria Roszkowski Roszkowski_Magdalena at phd.ceu.edu
Wed Nov 1 08:33:48 CET 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Registration is now open for the 14th annual BCCCD meeting,<https://www.bcccd.org/> which will be held in person in Budapest, Hungary from January 4-6, 2024.


Sandra Waxman<https://psychology.northwestern.edu/people/faculty/core/profiles/sandra-waxman.html> (Northwestern University)

Martin Giurfa<https://cbi-toulouse.fr/eng/equipe-giurfa-devaud> (Centre de Biologie Intégrative, Toulouse)

Victoria Southgate<https://psychology.ku.dk/staff/academic_staff/?pure=en/persons/520019> (University of Copenhagen)

Registration includes the main conference program, the opening reception on the evening of Thursday 4 January, and the rooftop mulled wine reception on the evening of Friday 5 January.

Early-bird registration: Early-bird registration fees are available until 22nd November.

For presenters: Those with accepted presentations MUST register before 1 December.

Fee waivers for student presenters: A limited number of registration fee waivers are available for students with accepted presentations. Fee waiver applications are due by 11:59 CET on 8 November to the conference email account (bcccd at ceu.edu<mailto:bcccd at ceu.edu>). Your application should include your name, the abstract ID from your acceptance notification, and an attached letter from a supervisor stating that there are no other available funds to support your attendance. Applicants for the fee waiver will be notified no later than 15 November. If you plan to apply for a fee waiver, do not register until after 15 November. Instructions for how to receive the waiver will be included in the decision email, but we cannot reimburse registrations that are paid for already.

Pre-conference workshops: There is an additional 40 EUR fee to attend a pre-conference workshop or tutorial. This year, we have two tutorials and two preconference workshops, all taking place in parallel on the morning of Thursday 4 January (including a catered coffee break).

Tutorial: Bayesian models of science learning in Python
Tutorial: Python fundamentals for eye-tracking research
Workshop: The ManyBabies Project: How it works, what it contributes to developmental cognitive science, and how to get involved
Workshop: Advances in infant neuroscience: What state-of-the-art imaging can reveal about the developing mind?

The tutorials have limited capacity and spots will be given on a first-come-first-serve basis. Those presenting in a pre-conference workshop or tutorial do not have to pay the additional fee.

Gala dinner: Continuing a popular annual tradition, there will be a gala dinner and dance party after the end of the conference on Saturday 6 January. There is an additional fee for the gala dinner. We hope you will join us for a night of celebration at the end of the conference!

We look forward to seeing you in Budapest!

Jonathan F. Kominsky and Magdalena Roszkowski
BCCCD24 Conference chairs
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