[PLing] Thielemann & Berrocal / #Turow – Debating the Mine on Twitter: National and Transcultural Discourses on Social Media (virtual lecture) / ReDiCo Digital Interculturality

Thielemann, Nadine nadine.thielemann at wu.ac.at
Sun Dec 3 18:47:35 CET 2023

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wir möchten Sie herzlich einladen zu unserem Vortrag im Rahmen der virtuellen Ringvorlesung des Team ReDiCo zum Thema Digitale Interkulturalität<https://redico.eu/de/projekt-digitale-interkulturalitaet/ringvorlesung-digitale-interkulturalitaet/>.

Martina Berrocal (Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena) & Nadine Thielemann (WU Wien)

#Turow – Debating the Mine on Twitter: National and Transcultural Discourses on Social Media

8.12.2023, 12 bis 13.30 h (MEZ)

Ein Zoomlink kann angefordert werden bei contact at redico.eu<mailto:contact at redico.eu>


Much public debate today is carried out on Twitter (now X), an arena where, in order to get their ideas across, participants have developed a range of resources. Disentangling these into clear and understandable structures and patterns presents a fresh challenge for discourse pragmatics. The first aim of the present article is to contribute methodologically to meeting it. We therefore examine various methods previously used to identify and classify pragmatic patterns within discourses, our conclusion being that none is fully satisfactory and that a new system of coding contributions is desirable. We then outline such a scheme based on a posting’s primary pragmatic function (informing, appealing, or expressing emotivity), but also taking into account subsidiary functions. Moving on to address our second aim – to enhance understanding of communication within the digital realm – we apply our scheme to a particular case of online debate. This is the discussion on Twitter of the Turów lignite mine, in Poland, and its damaging impact on areas located across the border in Czechia, and of attempts by the Czech and European authorities to prevent or mitigate this impact. The discussion takes place essentially in three languages – Polish, Czech, and English – and our analysis uses separate samples of tweets drawn from each of them. It enables us to identify three distinct discourses, each associated with one of the languages and each characterized by a particular interpretation of the topic and a particular distribution of pragmatic patterns. Thus, while the English sample is characterized by a transnational discourse of appeal in support of the broad decarbonization agenda, the other samples view the Turów case overwhelmingly as a national political issue. Their discourses are oppositional and rely heavily on emotivity directed, in the Polish case, primarily against the country’s ruling party, and in the Czech one against the deal eventually reached with Poland to mitigate the problems. These findings suggest that our function-related coding scheme does indeed offer useful insights into online discourses.


Nadine Thielemann

Univ. Prof. Dr. Nadine Thielemann

Head of
Institute for Slavic Languages
Department for Business Communication

WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business
Welthandelsplatz 1, Gebäude D2, Eingang D, Büro 3.194
1020 Wien/Vienna, Austria
Tel.:   +43-1-31336-5427
Fax:   +43-1-31336-907044
e-mail: nadine.thielemann at wu.ac.at<mailto:nadine.thielemann at wu.ac.at>
homepage: https://research.wu.ac.at/de/persons/nadine-thielemann-8

New publications:
Thielemann & Weiss (eds.) (2023): Remedies against the Pandemic. How politicians communicate their crisis management. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: Benjamins.  https://doi.org/10.1075/dapsac.102

Thielemann & Berrocal (2023): Framing the Energy Transition: The Case of Polands Turów Lignite Mine. International Journal of Strategic Communication https://doi.org/10.1080/1553118X.2023.2234881

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