[PLing] ExploreSalon 2023 - registration is open

Lenz, Alexandra N. alexandra.lenz at univie.ac.at
Thu Apr 13 15:02:32 CEST 2023


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	[DHA] ExploreSalon 2023 - registration is open
Datum: 	Thu, 13 Apr 2023 12:32:49 +0000
Von: 	Woldrich, Anna <Anna.Woldrich at oeaw.ac.at>
An: 	dha at lists.oeaw.ac.at <dha at lists.oeaw.ac.at>

ExploreSalon 2023 - Registration now open!

Finally, the rooms are aired, the cups are polished, the tables are set, 
and the *ExploreSalon* <https://clariah.at/exploresalon2023/>* is ready 
to welcome you*!
*Registration* <https://pretix.eu/ExploreSalon2023/Anmeldung/> is now 
open for *30 participants* to join our exploration team in the heart of 
*Vienna* on their journey into hidden stories from the past.
Be part of a unique opportunity from *May 22 - 26 2023*, andregister now 

*ExploreSalon 2023: Unveil Hidden Stories from the Past*
When people interact, they leave traces: uncountable letters, diaries, 
chronicles, plaques, and other written records have preserved memories 
about people – long before the rise of smartphones and social media.
 From *May 22nd - May 26th, 2023*, the *ExploreSalon at the ACDH-CH in 
Vienna* offers a space to explore those digitized memories, seek hidden 
stories, discuss ideas, share findings and gain innovative insights into 
storytelling with data:
You may choose from a number of curated biographic, spatial and temporal 
datasets with focus on *Vienna 1900* to play with. Alternatively, you 
may suggest other datasets or bring your own.
While you engage in the creative process together with your team, 
mentors offer on-site and online expert consultancy,  providing the 
opportunity for peer feedback and sharing experiences. At the end of the 
week, you will have the chance to showcase your ideas and share results 
with others.
*What’s in for you*

  * creative and visual storytelling
  * storytelling with and through data
  * working with prosopographic data
  * insight into the ACDH-CH’s work and our data collections
  * learn about historical persons and their lives


  * have the chance to meet other creative minds
  * enjoy our beautiful campus at the heart of Vienna
  * benefit from an inspiring working environment
  * exchange ideas and build new connections
  * have fun!

*Who we are looking for*
If you are interested in topics such as storytelling, biographies, 
history and relationship threads that weave into human lives through 
time and space, this is the place for you! We invite designers, 
humanists, historians, programmers, artists, coders, academics, 
biographers and thinkers to unleash their creativity and explore ways of 
representing data, exploring relationships and conveying stories in 
exciting and unique ways. We are looking for people with different 
backgrounds who enjoy a good story: *you do not need to be a historian 
nor a programmer to join us!*
*Where we will gather*
ACDH-CH, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Bäckerstraße 13, 1010 Vienna
*Register **here* <https://pretix.eu/ExploreSalon2023/Anmeldung/>
*More details? **Visit our website!* <https://clariah.at/exploresalon2023/>
*Contact:*acdh-ch-events at oeaw.ac.at <mailto:acdh-ch-events at oeaw.ac.at>
*Come and explore!*
Kind regards,
ExploreSalon Organising Team
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