[PLing] YiLaS 3: A conference on Yiddish linguistics

Kriszta Eszter Szendroi kriszta.eszter.szendroei at univie.ac.at
Wed Nov 30 14:08:47 CET 2022

Dear PLING Colleagues,

Would you please include the below on the PLING mailing list.

Thank you


The UCL Departments of Hebrew and Jewish Studies (Lily Kahn and Sonya 
Yampolskaya) and Linguistics (Kriszta Eszter Szendrői (now at University 
of Vienna) and Zoë Belk) are delighted to invite abstracts for the 
international conference*YiLaS (Yiddish Language Structures) 3: Yiddish 
in the 21st Century*, to be held*in person at University College London, 
March 27-29, 2023*. It is our intention that the conference will provide 
a collegial platform for fruitful discussion and knowledge exchange 
among specialists in Yiddish language, linguistics, and culture, as well 
as in comparative Germanic linguistics, sociolinguistics (including 
language variation and change), language contact, multilingualism, 
psycholinguistics, and minority and diaspora languages.

Abstracts should be maximum 500 words excluding references and should be 
submitted toyilas3.2023 at gmail.comby*31 December 2022*. Conference 
presentations may be given in eitherEnglish or Yiddish. We encourage our 
presenters to consider delivering their lectures in Yiddish. 
(Yiddish-language presentations will be simultaneously translated into 
English in order to make them accessible to all.)

Further information is available at: 

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