[PLing] Talk by Dr. Irina Burukina, 25th May, 17h

Iva Kovač iva.kovac at univie.ac.at
Wed May 11 12:20:01 CEST 2022

Dear PLing members,

We are delighted to announce the upcoming talk by Dr. Irina Burukina 
(assistant professor at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest and 
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Hungarian Research Centre for 
Linguistics), taking place as part of her Erasmus visit to our FWF 
project _Implicational hierarchies in clausal complementation_, led by 
Dr. Susanne Wurmbrand.


Date and time: Wednesday, 25th May 2022, 17h

Place: Hörsaal 1, Sensengasse 3A

Title & abstract:

*When dative subjects and agreement in infinitival clauses depend on an 
external adposition*

The talk focuses on the infinitival clauses in Meadow Mari (Uralic; 
head-final, SOV) that allow overt subjects and/or agreement on the 
infinitive. I will outline a novel analysis whereby embedded subjects in 
Mari are exceptionally licensed by a silent dative postposition (PDAT) 
heading the infinitival clause, which is also responsible for AGR. Thus, 
it is only in the presence of the P head that the two phenomena become 
possible. I will further put the data into a broader context. First, I 
will discuss the well-known analyses that postulate that the non-finite 
T has special Case/Agr properties and show that, although these 
approaches appear to match the data, they fail to make valid predictions 
when it comes to Mari. Second, I will demonstrate how studying the 
infinitival clauses improves our understanding of the syntax of 
postpositional constructions in general.


We hope to see many of you there!

Kindest regards,

Susanne Wurmbrand, Magdalena Lohninger, and Iva Kovač
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