[PLing] Vortrag Sode (28. 6.), "A Neo-Heimian account of argument-related conditionals in desire reports"

Laura Grestenberger laura.grestenberger at univie.ac.at
Mon Jun 27 16:00:08 CEST 2022

Liebe PLing-Liste,

Entschuldigung für eventuelles Crossposting - Ich möchte auch hier gerne 
nochmal auf den Vortrag von Frank Sode (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, 
Institut für Linguistik) hinweisen, der morgen (28. 06.) in der 
Vortragsreihe der Wiener Sprachgesellschaft stattfindet. Der  Titel ist 
"A Neo-Heimian account of argument-related conditionals in desire 
reports". Das Abstract finden Sie in der Ankündigung im Anhang und 
weiter unten in der E-Mail.

Der Vortrag beginnt wie immer um 18.30h, allerdings diesmal 
ausnahmsweise im Seminarraum 3 (Sensengasse 3A, 1. OG).

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Laura Grestenberger

Abstract: In this talk I discuss three puzzles relating to the 
interpretation of conditional
morphology in desire reports: (i) the unshifted interpretation of 
X-marked desire predicates in expressions of unattainable wishes, as 
discussed in von Fintel & Iatridou (2017, 2020); (ii) “non-logical” 
interpretations of if -clauses in constructions with predicates like 
glad, good, like etc., as discussed in Williams (1974) and Pesetsky 
(1991); (iii) apparent gaps in the neg-raising patterns of X-marked 
desire predicates. The main empirical focus will be on data from English 
and German. I claim that these puzzles have a unified solution if we 
assume (i) that in all puzzling cases conditionals are present at the 
syntax-semantics interface, thus explaining similarities in outer 
appearance to conditionals; (ii) that the corresponding conditional 
modals do not receive their usual interpretation as adverbial modifiers 
but are interpreted as the thematic arguments of an underlying gradable 
predicate resulting in the observed truth conditions. I call this 
treatment of conditionals at the syntax-semantics interface 
"Neo-Heimian" since the conceptual idea for the interpretation of 
restricted conditional modals as arguments is already present in Heim 
(1992), as I will argue.

Dr. Laura Grestenberger
Elise-Richter-Fellow, Institute of Iranian Studies, Austrian Academy of 
Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna
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