[PLing] CHRISTMAS LECTURE - INVITED TALK! Dr. Olga Kepinska (Brain and Language Lab, PI: Prof. Narly Golestani)

Eva-Maria Remberger eva-maria.remberger at univie.ac.at
Tue Dec 13 16:05:57 CET 2022

Liebe Pling-Mitglieder,

im Auftrag von Susanne Reiterer bzw. Franz Schmid leite ich Ihnen die untenstehenden Nachricht mit Einladung zu einem Gastvortrag weiter.

Herzliche Grüße,
Eva-Maria Remberger

Dear all,

I am delighted to invite you to attend our


on Thursday, 15.12.2022 at 14:20.

Dr. Olga Kepinska, a cognitive neuroscientist, currently a post-doctoral researcher in the Brain and Language Lab of Prof. Narly Golestani at the Vienna Cognitive Science Hub, will give a guest lecture on a cognitive psychology topic (language expertise, learning, memory, brain, nature-nurture), entitled: "Typology of multilinguals' languages and its relation to brain and cognition."

location: HS 1 in Sensengasse 3A and hybrid (via the following zoom

The presentation will take place on-site, so if possible make use of this great opportunity to interact and discuss with Olga!

Looking forward to seeing many of you!

Prof. Susanne Reiterer
Franz R. Schmid

Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna

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