[PLing] WSG: Clemens, "Syntactic ergativity as a constraint against crossing-dependencies", 26. 4. (online)

Laura Grestenberger laura.grestenberger at univie.ac.at
Wed Apr 20 13:01:22 CEST 2022

Liebe PLing-Liste,

Ich möchte Euch/Sie gerne auf den nächsten Vortrag der Wiener 
Sprachgesellschaft hinweisen, der am 26.4. um 18.30h via Zoom 
stattfindet. Lauren Clemens (University at Albany, New York) spricht 
über "Syntactic ergativity as a constraint against 
crossing-dependencies" (joint work with Rebecca Tollan), das Abstract 
ist weiter unten bzw. in der Ankündigung im Anhang zu finden.

Der Link zum Zoom-Raum:


Meeting ID: 631 9071 9501

Kenncode: 246693

Interessierte sind herzlich willkommen!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Laura Grestenberger

Abstract: The absolutive inversion account of syntactic ergativity 
maintains that the position of the absolutive object above the merge 
site of the ergative subject renders the ergative subject inaccessible 
to movement (Murusagi 1992, Bittner and Hale 1995, Aldridge 2004; Coon 
et al. 2014, Coon et al. 2019, and others). Tollan and Clemens (to 
appear) builds on this theory of syntactic ergativity by revisiting the 
question of why absolutive inversion results in the inability of the 
ergative argument to undergo A'-bar movement. In this talk, I will 
present our account of syntactic ergativity, which is based on the 
grammaticalization of a processing-based preference for nested as 
compared to crossing dependencies. More precisely, ergative subject 
extraction restrictions arise, because such movement would cross the 
prior A'-
movement path of the absolutive object and create an illicit crossed 
dependency. We further predict that arguments merged between the 
A-movement tails of the absolutive DP cannot extract, whereas arguments 
merged above or below them can. In developing an approach to syntactic 
ergativity grounded in sentence processing, we highlight the need for 
deeper conversation between formal, typological, and processing-driven 

Dr. Laura Grestenberger
Elise-Richter-Fellow, Institute of Iranian Studies, Austrian Academy of 
Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna
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