[PLing] Fwd: CfP 'Word formation and discourse structure'

Martina Werner martina.werner at univie.ac.at
Tue Oct 19 18:53:51 CEST 2021


-------- Originalnachricht --------
Betreff: CfP 'Word formation and discourse structure'
Datum: 19.10.2021 18:23
Von: Barbara Schlücker <barbara.schluecker at uni-leipzig.de>
An: Verborgene_Empfaenger: ;

Dear colleagues,

We are organizing a workshop on word formation and discourse structure 
in May at the University of Leipzig (see 
https://home.uni-leipzig.de/grammatik-des-deutschen/WFDS/ and the file 
attached to this message).

The aim of the workshop is to resume the relation between word formation 
and discourse structure by taking into account a wide range of word 
formation patterns with a focus on advanced discourse models and 
empirical approaches. We are very much looking forward to submissions 
that discuss this relation from various angles. Please circulate!

Best wishes
Barbara Schlücker

Prof. Dr. Barbara Schlücker
Universität Leipzig
Institut für Germanistik
Beethovenstr. 15
04107 Leipzig

Telefon (Durchwahl): +49 341 97 37361
Telefon (Sekretariat): +49 341 97 37354
Raum: H1, 4.08

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