[PLing] Reminder LZ 30.11.2021 (17-18 h) ZOOM / D. Jancsary / Multimodality in Organizations

Thielemann, Nadine nadine.thielemann at wu.ac.at
Tue Nov 30 13:29:18 CET 2021

Von: Wu-professor.inn.en <wu-professor.inn.en-bounces at wu.ac.at> Im Auftrag von Thielemann, Nadine
Gesendet: Montag, 22. November 2021 08:51
An: pling at lists.univie.ac.at; wu-professor.inn.en at wu.ac.at; unilehrer.innen at wu.ac.at; mailliste at gespraechsforschung.de
Betreff: [Wu-professor.inn.en] LZ 30.11.2021 (17-18 h) ZOOM / D. Jancsary / Multimodality in Organizations

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

wir möchten Sie herzlich einladen zum nächsten Vortrag im Rahmen der "Lectures in Language, Culture, and Communication" @WU einladen.

PD Dr. Dennis Jancsary (WU Wien, Department für Management) wird
am 30.11.2021 17-19 Uhr via ZOOM
sprechen zum Thema

Multimodality in Organizations and Organizational Research: Approaches and Applications

Zoom-Meeting beitreten

Meeting-ID: 922 5105 6045
Kenncode: 862963

Über SIP beitreten
92251056045 at zoomcrc.com<mailto:92251056045 at zoomcrc.com>


Organization and management scholarship is increasingly considering the importance of intricate orchestrations of verbal, visual, and other semiotic resources in the construction, maintenance, and change of organizational realities. Managing and organizing involves multimodal communication. Accordingly, the study of organizations requires both a sensitivity for the multimodal aspects of shared organizational realities and the ability to think about organization and management theories in multimodal terms. In this talk, I will briefly introduce a social semiotic perspective on multimodality and outline multiple approaches to integrating multimodality in organization and management research. I will then demonstrate the managerial relevance of multimodality based on various insights from published and ongoing collaborative research.

Bio blurb

Dennis Jancsary is Assistant Professor at the Institute for Organization Studies at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business). His current research focuses on institutionalist approaches in organization theory, particularly the diffusion and theorization of management ideas, practices, and structures. Conceptually, he is primarily interested in verbal, visual, and multimodal forms of rhetoric, narrative, and symbolism, as well as in the role of silences in the construction and institutionalization of meaning.
Wir freuen uns sehr über Ihr Interesse!

Nadine Thielemann

Univ. Prof. Dr. Nadine Thielemann

Head of
Institute for Slavic Languages
Department of Foreign Language Business Communication

WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business
Welthandelsplatz 1, Gebäude D2, Eingang D, Büro 3.194
1020 Wien/Vienna, Austria

Tel.:   +43-1-31336-5427
Fax:   +43-1-31336-907044
e-mail: nadine.thielemann at wu.ac.at<mailto:nadine.thielemann at wu.ac.at>
homepage: https://www.wu.ac.at/slawisch/team/nadine-thielemann/
academia: http://wuvienna.academia.edu/NadineThielemann
twitter: https://twitter.com/nthielem

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