[PLing] JOB: Research associate post, AHRC project in SLC, one or more languages from CEE area (Slavonic, Baltic or Finno-Ugric), Sheffield

Stefan Michael Newerkla stefan.newerkla at univie.ac.at
Wed Jan 29 14:35:44 CET 2020


The School of Languages and Cultures is seeking to appoint a Research 
Associate to take part in a three-year project. It is funded by the UK’s 
Arts and Humanities Research Council and will start on 1 June 2020.

The project, entitled Feast and Famine: Confronting Overabundance and 
Defectivity in Language, looks at non-canonical inflectional morphology 
in morphologically complex languages of central and eastern Europe. It 
includes eight institutions across four countries: the UK, the Czech 
Republic, Croatia and Estonia, and will be led by *Professor Neil Bermel 
(University of Sheffield)* in collaboration with Professor Dunstan Brown 
(University of York).

It represents an excellent opportunity for a suitably trained linguist 
or psychologist to investigate a project of her/his own design, based on 
data from a language of this region, while also working as part of a 
collegial larger team seeking to shed light on these phenomena. We’re 
looking to appoint someone who has:

  *   A PhD in linguistics, psycholinguistics, psychology of language,
    cognitive science or a related relevant field (or have equivalent
  * A research interest in one or more languages from the central and
    east European area (Slavonic, Baltic or Finno-Ugric);
  * A proven track record in experimental research on languages.

You will have the opportunity to define and carry out your own 
investigation into one of the project’s experimental research questions. 
These concern how speakers produce material that falls into overabundant 
and defective paradigmatic slots and how they react to such material.

For a brief introduction to the project, please see the announcement at 
Documentation for the post, including how to apply, can be found at 
www.sheffield.ac.uk/jobs <http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/jobs> (job 
reference no. UOS025256).

Informal enquiries about the post and the project can be made to the 
Principal Investigator, Neil Bermel, at n.bermel at sheffield.ac.uk 
<mailto:n.bermel at sheffield.ac.uk> (for academic queries), or to the 
School’s Recruitment Manager, Ms Sandra Henry, at 
s.henry at sheffield.ac.uk <mailto:s.henry at sheffield.ac.uk> (for queries 
regarding the appointments process).

The deadline for applications is 27 February 2020 at 11.59 GMT.

Dr Kristine Horner
Reader in Luxembourg Studies & Multilingualism
Director of the Centre for Luxembourg Studies

School of Languages and Cultures
The University of Sheffield
1 Upper Hanover Street, Jessop West
Sheffield S3 7RA
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)114 222 4909
E: k.horner at sheffield.ac.uk <mailto:k.horner at sheffield.ac.uk>

*Office Hours during Semester 2 are normally on Tuesdays from 1-2 and 
4-5pm. *
*Click here 
<https://www.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UVBrUk8zQ0R6Z3VZfGRlZmF1bHR8Y2Q0MDliMTAyMjYzOTJkNThiZGM0YzNkYzk2NjhiNDU> to 
book a slot. *

_Latest publications_:
Horner, K. and J. Dailey-O'Cain (eds). 2019.Multilingualism, 
(Im)mobilities and Spaces of Belonging 
Bristol: Multilingual Matters (Encounters).
Bellamy, J. and K. Horner. 2019. Ein Mischmasch aus Deutsch und 
Französisch: ideological tensions in young people's discursive 
construction of Luxembourgish 
Sociolinguistic Studies 12/3-4: 323-343.
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