[PLing] Two 3 Year Pre-Doc Positions in formal linguistics at the University of Vienna (Austria)

Daniel Büring daniel.buring at univie.ac.at
Sun Oct 9 10:06:15 CEST 2016

Applications are invited for two 36-months 75% (doctoral) research 
position in  the FWF sponsored research project 
“Unalternative-Constraints Cross-Linguistically” (Prof. Daniel Büring) 
at the linguistics department at University of Vienna, ideally starting 
as early as November 2016.

The project explores the application of a new formalism to interpret 
focussing, first to Germanic languages, and subsequently to non-standard 
IE languages, including languages with positional or morphological focus 
marking. A full description of the project can be found at 
http://homepage.univie.ac.at/daniel.buring/locker/antrag.short.pdf; more 
on the general formalism at 

The successful candidates must have a Master's degree (or equivalent) in 
Linguistics, or a related field with specialization in language research 
in hand by the starting date; training in formal linguistics is a must, 
and specialization in formal semantics and/or pragmatics is an 
advantage. Their past experience should furthermore include one or more 
of the following:
— familiarity with the formalisms of formal semantics
— experience in work with underdocumented languages
— familiarity with research on information structure
Command of English  is required, but command of German (or Austrian) is not.

The pre-docs have the opportunity to complete a PhD in general 
linguistics, preferably in an area related to the research project, and 
will closely collaborate with Prof. Büring. The project furthermore 
includes the funding for attending the LSA summer school (once) during 
the three year project period, as well as one other 2 week stay at a 
research center abroad.

The linguistic department at the University of Vienna is part of a 
lively and internationally well-connected research environment 
—including various language departments, the phonetics institute, and 
the Cognitive Science research platform and docoral school— where 
students are immediately integrated in scholarly life and research at 
all levels. The research unit offers PhD students the opportunity to 
discuss their topics with fellow students who work on similar issues.

The University of Vienna is an equal opportunity employer that tries to 
increase the number of women in research and teaching.

Applications should be sent electronically, with the phrase  “PhD 
application” in the subject line, to daniel.buring at univie.ac.at. Review 
of applications starts immediately and is open until October 31, 2016.

Include electronic copies (pdf) of the following documents in a single file:

- 1-2 page cover letter with statement of purpose explaining the 
candidate's background and his/her interest in, and fit for, the 
research project
- copy of highest degree certification (Master)
- short Curriculum vitae (CV)
- up to two writing samples (i.e. publications if any, term paper or 
Master's thesis) in English or German
- contact information of two academic recommenders

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Büring	     Institut für Sprachwissenschaft
Universität Wien	             Sensengasse 3a, Raum O6.05
1090 Wien/Vienna (Austria)           +43 1    4277 41710
fax (Sekretariat): +43 1 4277 9417   +43 664  60277-41710
homepage.univie.ac.at/daniel.buring/ daniel.buring at univie.ac.at

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