[PLing] univie: summer school in Cognitive Science "Cognition, Art, and Culture"

csss cogsci csss.cogsci at univie.ac.at
Fri Jun 24 15:08:13 CEST 2016

univie: summer school in Cognitive Science "Cognition, Art, and Culture"

> Application deadline extended: July 3, 2016
> Now also open for advanced Master students

August 26 - September 2, 2016
University of Vienna, Austria

Organized by the Cognitive Science Research Platform, University of 
Vienna in cooperation with the IAEA - International Association of 
Empirical Aesthetics



The Cognitive Turn initiated in Psychology and Computer Science has 
reached the Social Sciences and Humanities that traditionally study art 
and culture. The new encounter of academic disciplines poses challenges 
for researchers, teachers and students. At the first glance incompatible 
conceptualizations of the objects of investigation (here works of art 
and their creation and perception) and differences in applied 
methodologies (quantitative vs. qualitative) require skills in 
interdisciplinary scientific communication.

The univie: summer school in Cognitive Science will bring together 
scholars from neuroscience, psychology, philosophy and art history, to 
explore the new paradigms of empirical aesthetics, neuroaesthetics, 
cognitive science and empirical methods (fMRI, Eye Tracking, Facial EMG) 
in theory and practice.

It is addressed to PhD students of the arts, humanities and social 
sciences. Post Docs in the humanities who want to broaden their 
expertise on empirical methods, and motivated/advanced Master students 
with experience in interdisciplinary work are welcome to apply.

Participants will have the opportunity to attend all keynote lectures 
and the parallel presentation sessions with the leading researchers of 
the international congress of the IAEA 2016.

Excursions to important institutions in Vienna will round off this 
inspiring late summer experience.

- Anjan Chatterjee (University of Pennsylvania, Center for Cognitive 
Neuroscience; Neurology at Pennsylvania Hospital)
- Paul Hekkert (Delft University of Technology, Faculty Industrial 
Design Engineering)
- Helmut Leder (University Vienna, Department of Basic Psychological 
Research and Research Methods, Faculty of Psychology)
- Markus Peschl (University Vienna, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of 
Philosophy and Education)
- Raphael Rosenberg (University Vienna, Department of Art History)
- Natalie Sebanz (Central European University Budapest, Department of 
Cognitive Science)
- Gabrielle Starr (New York University, Department of English)
- Special Guest: Stefan Sagmeister (graphic designer, Sagmeister&Walsh, 
New York)

What we offer:
- A seven days program with international speakers
- Access to keynotes, panels and sessions at the IAEA 2016 congress
- Networking opportunities at the social evening of IAEA 2016
- Excursions
- Assistance in organizational matters concerning your stay
- 6 ECTS

Your costs:
- €120 tuition for the summer school
- Lodging. We offer students individual rooms in dormitories for 
approximately €300 for the course duration
- Travel on your own expense

How to apply:
- A short educational curriculum vitae
- A list/certificates of your most recent courses or a copy of diplomas
- A one-page statement (in English) briefly outlining your previous work 
and reason for attending the univie: summer school in Cognitive Science
- Optional: A letter of recommendation by your main professor, including 
some comment on your previous work
- Optional: A passport photo (electronic) for the use in the online 

Deadline for applications: July 3, 2016 (Later applications may be 
considered if place is still available. There is space for a total of 25 

Application documents shall be sent in PDF file format to 
csss.cogsci at univie.ac.at with the subject line “Application” (contact:
Peter Rantasa).

Please forward and circulate this invitation message.

For further inquiries please contact Peter Rantasa
(mailto: csss.cogsci at univie.ac.at)



This Summer School is funded by WWTF under the Vienna Stimulus Programme 
for Humanities, Social and Cultural Studies at the City of Vienna, Wien 

Follow us:

Our mailing address is:
Forschungsplattform Cognitive Science
Universitätsstrasse 7
A-Wien 1010

Our general office e-mail address is:
cogsci at univie.ac.at


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