[PLing] Änderung Uhrzeit und Ort Vortrag Claudia Poschmann

Viola Schmitt viola.schmitt at univie.ac.at
Tue Oct 6 18:31:13 CEST 2015

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

aufgrund zahlreicher Terminüberschneidungen haben wir die *Uhrzeit* und
den *Ort* des Vortrags von Claudia Poschmann geändert.  Der
Vortrag findet weiterhin am 8.10. (Donnerstag) statt,


von 14.45 bis 16.00
im HÖRSAAL des Instituts für Sprachwissenschaft, Sensengasse 3a.

Titel und Abstract finden sich am Ende dieser E-mail,

herzliche Grüße,

Viola Schmitt

Relative Clause Extraposition and Prosody in German (joint work with
Michael Wagner, McGill University)

Abstract: Two factors that have been argued to affect the extraposability
of relative clauses (RCs) are (i) discourse focus and (ii) RC-type
(restrictive/appositive). However, no previous study has looked at the
interaction between these two factors, despite the fact that different
types of relative clauses have been argued to differ in their relation to
focus, and one might therefore expect such interactions. Furthermore,
previous studies have not looked at the role of the prosody in accounting
for the effect focus on extraposition. In this talk, I will present the
results of a production experiment on German which crosses the location
focus and the type of RC and explores how they interact in affecting
prosody and extraposition.

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