[News Alte Geschichte] WG: [Ika-einladungen] Einladung zur MIGMAG Conference und zum Workshop 6. - 8. Juni 2024

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Mo Mai 27 13:39:38 CEST 2024

Von: IKA-Einladungen <ika-einladungen-bounces at lists.univie.ac.at> Im Auftrag von Klassische Archäologie
Gesendet: Montag, 27. Mai 2024 13:22
An: ika-einladungen at lists.univie.ac.at
Betreff: [Ika-einladungen] Einladung zur MIGMAG Conference und zum Workshop 6. - 8. Juni 2024

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

nachstehend sende ich Ihnen das Programm.

Conference: Migration and the Making of the Ancient Greek World (Vienna, 6-8th June 2024)

Regional Mobilities and the Making of the Ancient Greek World
6-8th June 2024, University of Vienna

This conference highlights how local and regional mobilities contributed to the making of the wider Greek world.

The ancient Greek world was a culturally integrated but geographically dispersed entity, comprising over a thousand autonomous communities scattered across the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Scholarship has usually focused on long-distance migration as the key to its formation, characterising this either as colonisation or in terms of trade and interaction. In contrast, relatively little attention has been paid to the role played by local and regional mobilities in the formation of new settlements and settlement systems c.1200-500 BCE.

This conference will seek to redress the balance. Using insights from landscape archaeology in particular, we will compare evidence for urbanisation, population circulation, changing settlement patterns, and variation in landscape use, and consider how these contributed to the making of the early Greek world.

The conference will be immediately followed on the afternoon of 8th by a workshop on ancient Greekmyths of migration. The MIGMAG project has collated a corpus of foundation and migration myths pertaining to settlements in different regions of the ancient Greek world, and is using tools from digital humanities to identify patterns in this mythic corpus. This has allowed us to identify trends in the rhetoric of foundation and migration, both chronological and geographic. Join us for a presentation of this work, with contributions from discussants.

Full programme is below. For more information, please see our website: https://www.migmag-erc.eu/

To attend the conference and/or workshop, please contact: bettina.bernegger at univie.ac.at<mailto:bettina.bernegger at univie.ac.at>

Workshop: Funerary Rituals in Archaic Southern Italy and Sicily (late VIII-VI c. BCE)
Mittwoch, 5.6.2024, Senatssaal Hauptgebäude der Universität Wien

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Bettina Bernegger


Institut für Klassische Archäologie

der Universität Wien

Franz-Klein-Gasse 1

A-1190 Wien

Tel: 0043/1/4277-40601

Fax: 0043/1/4277-9406

klass-archaeologie at univie.ac.at<mailto:klass-archaeologie at univie.ac.at>

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