[News Alte Geschichte] WG: Einladung Vortrag: PhD. Liviu Mihail Iancu, The ancient Greeks at the mouths of the Danube. An archaeological and historical overview of the city of Istros.

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Von: antike, ANTIKE (antike at uni-graz.at) <antike at uni-graz.at>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2024 15:38
Betreff: Einladung Vortrag: PhD. Liviu Mihail Iancu, The ancient Greeks at the mouths of the Danube. An archaeological and historical overview of the city of Istros.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Liebe Kolleg:innen,
Liebe Studierende,

das Institut für Antike lädt zum Vortrag von PhD. Liviu Mihail Iancu (The Institute of Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization) zum Thema

The ancient Greeks at the mouths of the Danube.
An archaeological and historical overview of the city of Istros.

The city of Istros, taking its name from the nearby Danube River, is the oldest Greek foundation on the Western shore of the Black Sea, at least according to the written sources. The history of this city settled by Milesian colonists spans more than 1300 years, from ca. 650 BC to ca. 620 AD, with significant periods of flourishment during the archaic and classical age, as well as in the time of Justinian. Since 1914, when the first excavations were conducted at the site, the archaeologists were able to uncover important monuments such as a Greek sanctuary and a habitation quarter dating from the archaic period, Classical and Hellenistic temples and dwellings, Roman baths and commercial buildings, several Christian basilicas, and large defence walls dating from various times. Spectacular finds were made as well in the necropolis to the Northwest of the city, comprising more than 1500 tumuli, out of which around 30 were excavated, and in the settlements and necropolises in the chora of Istros.

The lecture aims to make an introduction to the main research questions that have been guiding the investigations of Istros up to the present, ranging from the adaptation of the Greek colonists to the new environment to their relations with the local inhabitants of the region and the outer world. It makes as well an overview of the results of the recent investigations made by a multinational team within the framework of the Histria Multiscalar Archaeological Project on the Plateau of the city, in an area where a necropolis of the Roman period covers a manufacture installation from the classical period. Last, but not least, it tackles the less discussed issue of mining, metallurgy and the use of metal objects at Istros.

Liviu Mihail Iancu is a Romanian ancient historian and classical archaeologist who works as a researcher at the Institute of Advanced Studies in the Levant Culture and Civilization of Bucharest. He defended his Ph.D. dissertation on the archaic Greek mercenaries in the Mediterranean at the University of Bucharest, in 2018. He has excavated since 2010 at several archaeological sites in Romania and Turkey, particularly in the ancient Greek city of Istros, near the Danube Delta. His research focuses on war and international relations in the ancient Mediterranean and the Black Sea region, the Greek colonization of Pontos Euxeinos, ancient metallurgy, and the use of textiles by the ancient armies. His latest studies are Grain and Mercenaries.

WANN: Do. 06.06.2024, 18:30
WO: HS 01.14 (Universitätsplatz 3/1)

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i.A. Selina Eder BA
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