[News Alte Geschichte] Fwd: WG: Cultural hackathon invitation for participation

Alte Geschichte Uni Wien news-altegeschichte at lists.univie.ac.at
Di Mai 30 13:40:14 CEST 2023

Cultural Hackathon 2023 (#GLAMhack23): June 1-3, 2023

Where: St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences

From Thursday to Saturday (1-3 June 2023), people who want to help shape the digital transformation will meet to connect and let something new emerge. OpenGLAM.at focuses on data from cultural institutions to explore the active participation of art in society. https://www.openglam.at/en/home-2/

The cultural hackathon aims to make cultural heritage accessible. It should be brought closer to the people and increase their quality of life. Start-ups are being sought that produce innovative products to bring the value of cultural heritage and its utilisation closer to the population. Institutions network and interdisciplinary cooperation emerge.

Do you want to dive into the field of digital cultural heritage or the application of digital humanities in the cultural sector before the hackathon? Then take a look at the collection of Open Educational Resources (OERs)<https://culture2point0.eu/oers/> or the results from the Erasmus+ funded project “Cultural Heritage 2.0<http://www.culture2point0.eu/>”.

Danke und liebe Grüße,



Manuela Holzmayer

Forschungsservice und Nachwuchsförderung|Research Service and Career Development

Universität Wien | University of Vienna

Berggasse 7, A - 1090 Wien | Vienna

E: manuela.holzmayer at univie.ac.at<mailto:manuela.holzmayer at univie.ac.at>

T: +43-1-4277-18269

W: https://forschung.univie.ac.at/

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