[Newsletter Alte Geschichte] [OREA-ÖAW] Einladung zum Vortrag Peter Tomkins 15.3.2017

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Mi Mär 8 14:05:25 CET 2017

Von: orea [mailto:orea at oeaw.ac.at]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 08. März 2017 13:25
An: orea <orea at oeaw.ac.at>
Betreff: Einladung zum Vortrag Peter Tomkins 15.3.2017

15.3.2017, 17h 30
Seminarraum OREA

The first farmers in Europe?

The Pre-pottery and Early Neolithic community at Knossos in Crete and its wider context

Peter Tomkins

Malcolm H. Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Science,
American School of Classical Studies at Athens

How did farming first reach Europe? This has been one of the most vital questions posed of the European past and one that prehistorians have devoted considerable resources to addressing.

This lecture will provide a new overview of the Pre-pottery and Early Neolithic (c.7000-6000 BC) community at Knossos in Crete and its wider context, drawing on the results of an ongoing project, led by the author with Dr Valasia Isaakidou and involving a team of specialists, that is comprehensively restudying the excavations of John Evans at Knossos (1957-60; 1969-70). For many decades Knossos and Crete was the poster-child of European neolithisation by demic diffusion, being regularly cited as a seemingly water-tight example of a migratory, marine transfer of farming, from the Asian heartland of early farming into an apparently pristine (and European) insular environment. However, more recently, with the belated (but predictable) discovery of pre-Neolithic occupation on the island, and with all that we now know about the Knossos community in its first millennium of existence, the efficacy of this model in a Cretan context needs to be reviewed, and either re-established or rejected.

Im Anschluss an den Vortrag bitten wir zu einem Glas Wein.

Prof. Dr. Barbara Horejs

Dr. Angela Schwab
OREA Zentrale
Institut für Orientalische und Europäische Archäologie
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Hollandstraße 11-13, A-1020 Wien
+43-1-51581 6101<tel:%2B43-1-51581%206101>

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