[Newsletter Alte Geschichte] WG: Vortragseinladung 29.10.2014

Vortragseinladungen und Ankündigungen im Bereich d Vortragseinladungen und Ankündigungen im Bereich d
Mo Okt 27 11:29:55 CET 2014

Iron Age plant subsistence and land use in SE Europe
cultural interactions detectable through the archaeobotanical record of Greece and Bulgaria
Soultana Maria Valamoti, Dept. of Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Elena Marinova, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Eugenia Gkatzogia, Dept. of Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Ivanka Slavova, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria
 This presentation focuses on plant remains from Iron Age contexts spanning the end of the 2nd millennium BC up to the end of the 6th century BC in northern Greece and Southern Bulgaria. The sites are Karabournaki, Toumba Thessalonikis and Polichni in central Macedonia in northern Greece and the sites Bresto, Malenovo, Dolno Cherkovishte and Kapitan Andreevo in the region of South Bulgaria. A variety of cereals and pulses, already cultivated since neolithic and Bronze Age times are identified as potential culinary ingredients in both regions, yet the list of crops from northern Greece includes a wider diversity than that from the Bulgarian sites especially as regards fruit remains. Continuities and discontinuities of plant ingredients are discussed in relation to potential taphonomic biases. This new evidence from the region indicates that during the Iron Age this part of southeastern Europe shares common traditions in terms of the plant species consumed with some differences already pointed out for the Late Bronze Age.

Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2014, 17:30 Uhr

OREA, Seminarraum Abteilung Ägypten & Levante

Postgasse 7/1/10, 1010 Wien, Eingang beim Stahlgittertor,  2. Stock

im Anschluss an den Vortrag bitten wir zu einem Glas Wein

Dr. Angela Schwab
OREA Zentrale
Institut für Orientalische und Europäische Archäologie
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Fleischmarkt 20–22, A-1010 Wien
+43-1-51581 6101

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