[Newsletter Alte Geschichte] WG: [zeitgeschichte] INTERAKTIONEN - 6.3. - Katherine A. LEBOW: "Human, Living Document!": Polish Sociological Traditions and the Jewish Histori

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Di Feb 18 11:18:01 CET 2014



Von: veranstaltungen.zeitgeschichte-bounces at lists.univie.ac.at
[mailto:veranstaltungen.zeitgeschichte-bounces at lists.univie.ac.at] Im
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Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. Februar 2014 11:16
An: veranstaltungen.zeitgeschichte at lists.univie.ac.at
Betreff: [zeitgeschichte] INTERAKTIONEN - 6.3. - Katherine A. LEBOW: „Human,
Living Document!“: Polish Sociological Traditions and the Jewish Histori


I n t e r a k t i o n e n   I n t e r a k t i o n e n   I n t e r a k t i o
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Liebe KollegInnen!


Wir möchten Sie/Euch hiermit zum ersten Donnerstagsvortrag der INTERAKTIONEN
im Sommersemester 2014 einladen:


SM0_1-C-1101 - soup-children

Katherine A. LEBOW


„Human, Living Document!“: 

Polish Sociological Traditions and the Jewish Historical Commissions in



Donnerstag, 6. März 2014, 12:00

Seminarraum 1 

Institut für Zeitgeschichte der 

Universität Wien

Spitalgasse 2-4/Hof 1, 1090 Wien


One of the most remarkable responses by Holocaust survivors to the Shoah was
the urge to collect testimony. Almost as soon as the Nazi threat had passed,
survivors in cities and camps across Europe formed historical commissions
whose central mandate was to gather eye-witness accounts of Jewish suffering
and persecution. And yet, the urgency with which some survivors pursued this
testimonial project, as valuable and obvious as it may seem today, was
neither inevitable nor universal. The fact that Polish Jews, for example,
were at the forefront of such efforts in the mid- to late-1940s should be
understood as a reflection of particular circumstances that included the
intellectual and cultural legacies of the Polish Second Republic
(1918-1939). This lecture will explore how pre-war Polish sociological
traditions, on the one hand, and a public discourse of „social memoir“, on
the other, left an enduring imprint on Polish Jewish survivors, shaping the
methods and assumptions with which historical commissions approached the
meaning and practice of testimony.


Katherine A. Lebow, (Ph.D.) has taught at the University of Virginia and
Newcastle University. Recent publications include Unfinished Utopia: Nowa
Huta, Stalinism, and Polish Society, 1949-1956 (Cornell, 2013) and “The
Conscience of the Skin: Interwar Polish Autobiography and Social Rights,”
Humanity 3, 3 (2012). She is writing a book about „everyman autobiographies“
in transatlantic space from the Great Depression to the Holocaust.


In Kooperation mit dem Wiener Wiesenthal Institut 

für Holocaust-Studien (VWI)


Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!



Ihr/Euer Interaktionen-Team

Johanna Gehmacher

Siegfried Mattl

Maria Mesner

Albert Müller

Bertrand Perz




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Institut für Zeitgeschichte


Spitalgasse 2-4 (Hof 1)

A-1090 Wien

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email: zeitgeschichte at univie.ac.at




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