[Newsletter Alte Geschichte] Fwd: [Fwd: Call for papers: International PhD Student Conference Laetae segetes III]

Vortragseinladungen und Ankündigungen im Bereich d Vortragseinladungen und Ankündigungen im Bereich d
Fr Apr 20 12:24:25 CEST 2012

Werner Niedermaier

Universität Wien

Historisch-kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde,

Papyrologie und Epigraphik

Dr. Karl Lueger Ring 1

A-1010 Wien

Tel.: ++43-01-4277-40501

Fax.: ++43-01-4277-9405

Email: werner.niedermaier at univie.ac.at 
<mailto:werner.niedermaier at univie.ac.at>

Homepage: Institut für Alte Geschichte <http://altegeschichte.univie.ac.at/>

--------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---------
Betreff: Call for papers: International PhD
Student Conference Laetae segetes III
Von:     Irena Radová<radova at phil.muni.cz>
Datum:   Fr, 20.04.2012, 11:54


Dear colleagues,

the Department of Classical Studies, Faculty
of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech
Republic would like to formally announce
International PhD Student Conference Laetae
segetes III, at which beginning researchers
can present the fruits of their work. This
event is a continuation of similar
colloquiums held in 2005 and 2007  ; on
these occasions, young scholars from Central
European universities submitted their
contributions, the majority of which were
published in the conference proceedings – an
online version of the proceedings is
available on the website

2012, Brno, Czech Republic.

Abstracts of papers to be presented in
English, German, Italian, or French are
invited for consideration by the Conference
Academic Committee. Please submit your
abstract (up to 200 words) in the attached
submission form until August 31, 2012 via
e-mail to the following address:
radova at phil.muni.cz or
marie.okacova at mail.muni.cz. Acceptance
notification will be sent to you till
September 13, 2012.

Individual 15–20-minute paper presentations
will be followed by 5 minutes of discussion.

Parallel sessions and panel discussions will
be scheduled over four days; papers will be
grouped by sessions (Ancient Greek and Latin
literature; Classical languages; Latin
Middle Ages and Byzantology; Neo-Latin and
Modern Greek studies). The conference
programme will be available on the website

Standard registration fee is 45 EUR/1 100 CZK.
Payment should be made by bank transfer
until October 13, 2012. Registration can be
done via University Shopping Centre, where
you get a confirmation of your registration:

The participation fee includes: conference
proceedings, reception meal (as will be
specified in the conference programme) and
refreshment during coffee breaks.
Participation fee does NOT include: hotel
booking and payment, and excursion. The
organizing committee will book rooms for the
conference participants only at the
University Hotel (Garni); single room: ca 33
EUR per night; double room: ca 40 EUR per
night (two persons) – the stated prices are
valid from 1 January, 2012.

All papers will be considered for
publication in refereed conference
proceedings that will be launched in 2013.

On behalf of the conference organizing
committee, with kind regards,
Irena Radová and Marie Okáčová
Conference Coordinators

Department of Classical Studies
Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
Arna Nováka 1
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
Tel.: 00420 549 49 3850
Fax : 00420 549 49 37 41
website: http://www.phil.muni.cz/wuks/

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Fritz Mitthof
Universität Wien
Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Alte Geschichte und
Altertumskunde, Papyrologie und Epigraphik
Lehrstuhl für Römische Geschichte,
Altertumskunde und Epigraphik

Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring 1
A-1010 Wien

T +43-1-4277-40570
F +43-1-4277-9405

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