Math.Koll. am 30.05.2007/Prof. ARNOLD

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Thu May 24 15:56:18 CEST 2007

Mathematisches Kolloquium


zu einem



Prof. Anton ARNOLD (TU Wien, Institut fuer Analysis und Scientific

mit dem Thema: ''Open quantum systems: global solutions, dispersive effects,
and large-time behavior''

Dissipative quantum systems like quantum-Fokker-Planck models play an
important role for the simulation of nano-semiconductor devices, e.g. Such
PDEs combine the description of the electron transport in a selfconsistent
electric field (Hartree potential) with diffusive effects of the
electron-phonon interaction.

We shall compare two different approaches for the mathematical analysis
(existence of global-in-time classical solutions, large-time behavior):
density matrix operators and the kinetic Wigner formulation. On the kinetic
level, crucial ingredients are the dispersive regularization due to the free
transport operator (inspired by strategies from classical kinetic theory)
and the entropy method for parabolic  equations.

Zeit: Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2007, 15.45 Uhr (Kaffeejause), anschließend 16.15
Uhr Vortrag

Ort: Fakultaet fuer Mathematik der Universitaet Wien, Nordbergstr. 15,
Seminarraum C 2.09

Peter Markowich
Harald Rindler

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