Math.Koll. am 13.12.2006/Prof. Warnaar

Institut für Mathematik sekr.mathematik at
Wed Dec 6 11:48:35 CET 2006

Mathematisches Kolloquium


zu einem



Prof. Ole Warnaar (University of Melbourne)

mit dem Thema: ''Beta integrals''

Abstract: The beta integral, due to Euler, is one of the earliest nontrivial
integral evaluations. Little could Euler have known how important his
integral and its various generalisations would be in contemporary 20th and
21st century mathematics. In this talk I will give a gentle overview of the
various modern aspects of beta integrals, ranging from orthogonal
polynomials and finite Coxeter groups to Macdonald polynomial theory. No
preliminary knowledge in any of these fields will be assumed.

Zeit: Mittwoch, 13. Dezember 2006, 15.45 Uhr (Kaffeejause), anschlieszend
16.15 Uhr Vortrag

Ort: Fakultaet fuer Mathematik der Universitaet Wien, Nordbergstr. 15,
Seminarraum C 2.09

Harald Rindler
Christian Krattenthaler

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