25.5.05/Prof. Burger

Institut für Mathematik sekr.mathematik at
Wed May 11 10:11:08 CEST 2005

Mathematisches Kolloquium


zu einem



Prof. Martin Burger (Universitaet Linz)

mit dem Thema:

''Current Challenges in Geometric Flows''

The analysis and computation of geometric flows such as motion by mean
curvature has become a popular topic in applied mathematics in the last two
decades, and significant progress in this area has been made after the
introduction of the level set method, which allows to compute geometric
flows via viscosity solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations.
Driven by novel applications (e.g. Nanosurfaces, Biosurfaces, and Computer
Graphics), new classes of geometric flows have become of tremendous
importance recently, which are extremely challenging both with respect to
analysis and computation. In this talk we discuss such new classes as e.g.
flows with obstacles, fourth-order flows (Willmore
flow and surface diffusion), and problems with nonconvex energies.

Zeit: Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2005,
         15.45 Uhr (Kaffeejause), anschließend 16.15 Uhr Vortrag

Ort: Fakultaet fuer Mathematik der Universitaet Wien, Nordbergstr. 15,
       Seminarraum C 2.09

Harald Rindler
Peter Markowich

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