Math.Koll. am 22.6./Prof. Vershik

Institut für Mathematik sekr.mathematik at
Fri Jun 10 12:09:00 CEST 2005

Mathematisches Kolloquium


zu einem



Prof. Anatoly Vershik
(Steklov Institute St. Petersburg)

mit dem Thema:

''Universality in Geometry and Combinatorics''

Universal objects exist in many area of mathematics. Some of them were
defined many years ago like universal
Urysohn Metric space, but become more widely known only during recent years.
The talk will be devoted to old and new results about universal graphs and
the universal metric space.

Zeit: Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2005,
	15.45 Uhr (Kaffeejause), anschlieszend 16.15 Uhr Vortrag

Ort: Fakultaet fuer Mathematik der Universitaet Wien, Nordbergstr. 15,
       Seminarraum C 2.09

Harald Rindler
Klaus Schmidt
Joachim Schwermer

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