(no subject)

Norbert Mauser Norbert.Mauser at univie.ac.at
Wed Sep 22 17:03:55 CEST 2004

Liebe KollegInnen,

anbei eine Einladung zum 1. Pauli Colloquium,
nächsten Donnerstag, 30.Sep. 2004,
mit KaffeeTee & Kuchen, ab 15.00
und Vorträgen von 15.30 - 17.30
im C209.

Peter Lax wird einen allgemeinverständlichen Vortrag halten
und dann Christian Schmeiser einen (etwas technischeren)
Vortrag über "PDEs und Chemotaxis".

Vorher wird bei dieser Gelegenheit kurz das wissenschaftliche
Konzept des WPI vorgestellt und die "PDE-Gruppen".

Das Pauli Kolloquium (ca 7 Mal im Jahr) hat das Ziel,
die wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten der WPI Gruppen
vorzustellen und dabei einen thematisch passenden
internationalen Gast einzuladen.

freundliche Grüsse,

Norbert J Mauser
-------------- next part --------------
Invitation to the 

"Pauli Colloquium",

Thursday, 30 Sep. 2004

Lecture Room C209, Faculty for Mathematics
Nordbergstrasse 15 (UZA4), 2nd floor

Programme :


Coffee, Tea and Cakes



Norbert J. Mauser (WPI c/o Uni Wien)

Title : "PDEs at the WPI"

Abstract :
After a short presentation of the scientific mission
of the Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI), we sketch the 
current research activities of WPI groups at the interface 
of (time dependent) PDEs with (quantum and "nano") physics, 
biology and financial mathematics. 



Peter Lax (Courant Inst.)

Title : "Mathematics and Computing"

I will present many examples that show how, since the 
introduction of modern computing, knowledge gained 
through computations have advanced our  understanding of 
mathematics. Computing is a tool for the theorist, wielded
in the manner of the experimentalist. I will also give many 
examples where  mathematics was essential in devising new 
and more efficient computing methods.


Christian Schmeiser (WPI c/o TU Wien)

Title : "Kinetic and macroscopic models of cell 
         aggregation by chemotaxis"

Chemotaxis is the movement of cells directed by the 
distribution of chemicals in their environment. It is 
a  basic process in biology, important in such diverse 
processes as embryogenesis, immune response,
tumor growth, aggregation of amobae, and many others.

The classical macroscopic model for chemotaxis is the 
Keller-Segel model, a convection-diffusion equation for 
the cell density, coupled to a reaction-diffusion equation 
for the chemoattractant. In this model, cell aggregation 
is the consequence of the production of the chemoattractant 
by the cells. Concentration of mass in one point within 
finite time is a generic behaviour of solutions describing
the aggregation process in an extreme way.

In this talk, several options for biologically more accurate 
modelling of chemotaxis will be discussed, starting from a 
description of the behaviour of individual cells. Applications 
to the aggregation of amobae and to the behaviour of 
leukozytes will be presented.

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