Seminar Komech-Markowich-Mauser

Norbert Mauser Norbert.Mauser at
Fri Jun 18 14:31:17 CEST 2004

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to our seminar

 "Partial Differential Equations and Applications"
           A.Komech,   P.Markowich,  N.Mauser

Norbert J. Mauser,
"From Dirac-Maxwell and Klein Gordon-Maxwell
to Vlasov-Poisson : recent rigorous results"

Time :  Thursday, June 24, 13.00
Place :  Seminar room C714, Nordbergstrasse 15, 7th floor

Abstract .

We present the mathematical  problem and explain the key methods
and some of the technical  details of  the recent results on the joint
nonrelativistic+classical limit  from the Dirac-Maxwell equation and
the Klein Gordon Maxwell equation to the Vlasov-Poisson equation.

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