[MRM] ISDS-Kolloquium am 22.10. 17:00

INFORM inform at fam.tuwien.ac.at
Thu Oct 21 13:18:36 CEST 2010

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Ich leite Ihnen untenstehende Einladung zum morgigen ISDS-Kolloquium 
weiter, die vielleicht fuer Sie von Interesse ist.

Mit besten Gruessen,

Markus Fulmek

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Sehr geehrte InteressentInnen des ISDS-Kolloquiums,

nochmals darf ich Sie zu einem Sondertermin des Kolloquiums einladen
(ausnahmsweise Freitag, 22.10., 17 Uhr)


Zeit: 22.10.2010, 17:00

Ort: Leopold-Schmetterer-Seminarraum, 1010 Wien, Univ.str. 5/3.Stock

L. Rueschendorf (Univ.Freiburg i.Br.): Stochastic
dependence, extremal risk and optimal portfolio diversification

This talk is concerned with the description of
possible influence of positive dependence on the
magnitude of risk in a portfolio vector. We
discuss and review developments on the classical
problem of Frechet type bounds with univariate
and multivariate marginals, and their
applications to related various dependence
orderings. As application we identify the worst
case dependence structure of a portfolio of
d-dimensional risks. In the second part we
consider some new developments on the portfolio
diversification problem. In the framework of
multivariate extreme value theory we determine
risk optimal portfolios and consider statistical
properties of their empirical versions.


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Mit besten Gruessen

Immanuel M. Bomze

++++++++ Wissenschaftlicher Verein INFORM ++++++++++
Insurance, Financial and Operational Risk Management
Fakultaet fuer Mathematik          Universitaet Wien
Nordbergstrasse 15                       A-1090 Wien
@: inform at inform.ac.at   W3: http://www.inform.ac.at

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