[DissKoll] DissKoll, 16 December 2010, Johannes Temme, "Utility Maximization and (maybe) Stochastic Dominance"

Klemens Katterbauer katterbauer.klemens at gmail.com
Sun Dec 5 16:54:56 CET 2010

Dear visitors of the DissKoll (Dissertantenkolloquium),

On December 16, 2010, the DissKoll will have its fourth talk in this

Johannes Temme (University of Vienna) will talk about "Utility Maximization
and (maybe) Stochastic Dominance ".

Johannes Temme
Utility Maximization and (maybe) Stochastic Dominance

A novice might think that mathematical finance is only about developing
strategies to get rich as fast as possible. Well, this is - of course - by
no means the case. However, the optimal composition of a portfolio and the
question "How should I spend and invest my money in order to maximize my
utility from terminal wealth at the end of this year?" are basic problems in
mathematical finance. In this talk we start with a heuristic introduction to
financial markets, risk aversion of an economic agent, and utility
functions. If time allows we might also discuss connections between risk
aversion and stochastic dominance, i.e., whether the above "optimal"
portfolios of two different economic agents can be "ordered stochastically",
and - most importantly - why this stochastic ordering is actually

Thursday, December 16, 2010, 16:15, Room C 7.14
Coffee and cakes served from 16:00 in the Common Room C 2.06

Program and further information you can find at

If you are interested in giving a talk, then please contact Klemens
Katterbauer via the below given E-mail address or cell phone number.

To join the mailing list, visit

Comments and feedback are welcomed.

We are looking forward to your attendance,

Johannes Temme
Clemens Hanel
Klemens Katterbauer
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