[DissKoll] DissKoll, May 7, 2009, Markus Kuba (Reminder)

Klemens Katterbauer katterbauer.klemens at gmail.com
Tue May 5 20:30:34 CEST 2009

Dear visitors of the DissKoll (Dissertantenkolloquium),

A reminder of Thursday's first talk of the DissKoll. Markus Kuba (Technical
University of Vienna, DMG) will talk about “Stirling permutations and

Abstract: Stirling permutations were introduced by Gessel and Stanley. A
Stirling permutation is a permutation of the multiset $\{1,1,2,2,dots,n,n\}$
such that for each $i$, the elements occuring between the two occurrences of
$i$ are larger than $i$. Stirling permutations are naturally related
to second order Eulerian numbers and to Stirling polynomials.

We will present generalized Stirling permutations and relate them with
certain families of increasing trees. The close relationship between
Stirling permutations and trees allows to analyze parameters in Stirling
permutations by analyzing their counterparts in the corresponding tree
family. Furthermore, several parameters in random Stirling permutations
can be described by so-called P\'olya-Eggenberger urn models. We present
several results obtained using combinatorial and probabilistic methods.

Thursday, May 7, 2009, 17:15, Room C 2.09
Coffee and cakes served from 17:00 in the Common Room C 2.06

Program and further information you can find at

If you are interested in giving a talk, then please contact Klemens
Katterbauer via the below given E-mail address, cell phone number or just
caught him up when you are seeing him.

To join the mailing list, visit

Comments and feedback are welcomed.

We are looking forward to your attendance,

Markus Kuba
Clemens Hanel
Klemens Katterbauer

Klemens Katterbauer
Student of Mathematics
Tel. No. (+43) 664 7375 4846
homepage: http://members.aon.at/klemensk/

Klemens Katterbauer
Matematik öğrencisi
Tel. numarası: (+43) 664 7375 4846
anasayfa: http://members.aon.at/klemensk/

Klemens Katterbauer
대학생 수학
전화번호: (+43) 664 7375 4846

克林  卡塔尔柏尔-克林-泼辣
学生, 数学和经济学
首页: http://members.aon.at/klemensk/

Margaritenweg 8
2301 Groß-Enzersdorf, AUSTRIA (奥地利)

电邮地址: katterbauer.klemens at gmail.com
电话号码: (+43) 664 7375 4846
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