[DissKoll] Reminder, DissKoll, Victor Cuauhtemoc Garcia

Klemens Katterbauer katterbauer.klemens at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 20:45:13 CEST 2009

Dear visitors of the DissKoll (Dissertantenkolloquium),

Tomorrow will be the last talk of this term. Victor Cuauhtemoc Garcia
(Postdoc at the BOKU) will talk about "Additive properties of the
Ramanujan tau function"  (joint work with M. Garaev and S. Konyagin)


Thursday, 18 June 2009
Victor Cuauhtemoc Garcia
"Additive properties of the Ramanujan tau function" (joint work with
M. Garaev and S. Konyagin)

In this talk, after a brief introduction, I am planing to show how
arithmetic properties of the Ramanujan tau function $\tau(n)$ can be
combined with the Waring-Goldbach problem to prove that the set of the
values $\tau(n)$ forms a finite additive basis for the set of
integers. Moreover, for every integer $|N|\ge 2$, the Diophantine
equation $$ \tau(n_1)+ \ldots + \tau(n_{148000})=N, $$ has a solution
in positive integers $n_1, \ldots, n_{148000},$ satisfying the
condition $$ \max_{1\le i \le 148000}n_i \ll |N|^{2/11}e^{-c \log
|N|/\log \log|N|}, $$ for some absolute constant $c >0.$ In view of a
result of Deligne, this result reflects the best possible order of the
integers $n_i,$ apart from the value of the constant $c.$

Program and further information you can find at

If you are interested in giving a talk, then please contact Klemens
Katterbauer via the below given E-mail address or cell phone number.

To join the mailing list, visit

Comments and feedback are welcomed.

We are looking forward to your attendance.

Victor Cuauhtemoc Garcia
Clemens Hanel
Klemens Katterbauer

Klemens Katterbauer
 Student of Mathematics
 Tel. No. (+43) 664 7375 4846
 homepage: http://members.aon.at/katterbauerklemens/

 Klemens Katterbauer
 Matematik öğrencisi
 Tel. numarası: (+43) 664 7375 4846
 anasayfa: http://members.aon.at/katterbauerklemens/

 Klemens Katterbauer
 대학생 수학
 전화번호: (+43) 664 7375 4846

 克林  卡塔尔柏尔-克林-泼辣
 学生, 数学和经济学
 首页: http://members.aon.at/katterbauerklemens/

 Margaritenweg 8
 2301 Groß-Enzersdorf, AUSTRIA (奥地利)

 电邮地址: katterbauer.klemens at gmail.com
 电话号码: (+43) 664 7375 4846

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