[DissKoll] DissKoll, 19. Juni, 17:15 Katharina Brazda

Clemens Hanel clemens.hanel at univie.ac.at
Thu Jun 12 23:51:05 CEST 2008

Liebe Besucherinnen und Besucher des Dissertantenkolloquiums!

Am Donnerstag den 19. Juni findet der letzte Vortrag im Rahmen des  
Dissertantenkolloquiums in diesem Semester statt. Katharina Brazda  
spricht über "The Free oscillations of the Earth".

Zusammenfassung: The earth's free oscillations or normal modes can be  
understood as standing seismic waves within the body of the earth. For  
a uniformly rotating, self-gravitating, anelastic, and aspherical  
earth model, the displacement associated to wave motion within the  
earth is the solution of a system of integro- (or pseudo-)  
differential equations and boundary conditions, with coefficients (or  
symbols) depending on the distribution of density and elastic  
parameters. After an elementary introduction into global seismology, I  
will discuss these equations and outline how they are derived based on  
a variational principle. Since the material parameters of the earth  
are far to be smooth functions, a key problem is to find a  
realistically low level of regularity in which the calculations still  
hold. In the second part of my talk I will focus on the spectral  
properties of the involved operators. Finally I will comment on the  
asymptotic equality of normal modes and surface or body waves,  
corresponding to a microlocal picture of the equations of motion and  
boundary conditions.

Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2008, 17:15, Seminarraum C 2.09
Kaffee und Kuchen ab 17:00 im Common Room C 2.06

Wir freuen uns auf euer Kommen,

Katharina Brazda
Clemens Hanel
Herwig Spornberger

Das weitere Programm für dieses Semester findet ihr auf http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~disskoll/


Dear visitors of the Dissertantenkolloquium,

The last talk at the Dissertantenkolloquium will be on Thursday the  
19th of June. Katharina Brazda will be talking on "The Free  
oscillations of the Earth".

Abstract: The earth's free oscillations or normal modes can be  
understood as standing seismic waves within the body of the earth. For  
a uniformly rotating, self-gravitating, anelastic, and aspherical  
earth model, the displacement associated to wave motion within the  
earth is the solution of a system of integro- (or pseudo-)  
differential equations and boundary conditions, with coefficients (or  
symbols) depending on the distribution of density and elastic  
parameters. After an elementary introduction into global seismology, I  
will discuss these equations and outline how they are derived based on  
a variational principle. Since the material parameters of the earth  
are far to be smooth functions, a key problem is to find a  
realistically low level of regularity in which the calculations still  
hold. In the second part of my talk I will focus on the spectral  
properties of the involved operators. Finally I will comment on the  
asymptotic equality of normal modes and surface or body waves,  
corresponding to a microlocal picture of the equations of motion and  
boundary conditions.

Thursday, 19th of June 2008, 17:15, Seminar-Room C 2.09
Coffee and cakes served from 17:00 in the Common Room C 2.06

We are looking forward to your attendance,

Katharina Brazda
Clemens Hanel
Herwig Spornberger

An overview on the upcoming talks can be found at http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~disskoll/

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